Chapter 7

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"Harry....." Louis whispered, "How much of that did you hear."

"Enough," I replied harshly, "I'm done, Louis, I'm done."

"Done with what? The band?" He replied quickly as I nodded.

"Do you realize what would happen if you quit? The publicity you're trying to escape from would get so much worse. You wouldn't be Harry from one direction anymore, you'd be that guy who used to be in a band. Every time you walk outside, you'll get bombarded with all kind of questions that you really don't want to answer," he said as he chuckled, "The question on everyone's mind would be 'Why did he quit?' And you know well enough that the paps won't stop until they get a story. You know that better than anyone. Just.... Think about it a bit, okay? Don't do anything stupid Harry..."

I took a deep breath as I soaked in everything he was saying. And I hate to admit it, but he's right.

"Louis....I," I started but I was interrupted.

"LOUIS ARE YOU OKAY IN THERE," Liam yelled from the meeting I had almost forgot about.

"Yeah, just got a little distracted," he replied with a wink.

I laughed quietly as he walked back to the meeting, and I formed a plan in my head. A plan to get us all out of this. To get us all to be happy again.

And I was finally able to sleep, knowing that we would be okay.

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