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'Come on Babe, its just a small lie. A small mistak-' Jimin's word was cut off when Seulgi slap him across the face which he carrased after by the impact it made which wasnt pleasant at all.

'A SMALL lie?! SMALL Mistake?! You peice of crap YOU CHEATED WITH SANA BEHIND MY BACK AND YOU KNOW WHAT MAKES IT MUCH PAINFUL?! THAT I HAVE TO KNOW THIS AFTER YOUR AFFAIR ENDED' Seulgi shouted which enchoed in the room. Tears flows in her eyes nonstop in which resulted now into a sob. Jimin on the other hand was tugging his hair in frustration because of the situation he is right now that seemed to be off and real.

'WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?! THIS IS NOT MY FAULT THAT I CHEATED BEHIND YOU ANYWAY' Jimin shouted which made Seulgi to stop from sobbing and look at his boyfriend with wide eyes and disbelief. After a moment of silence Jimin instantly digested the words he just released and came closer to Seulgi while repeating the word 'sorry.

'Am I not enough' Seulgi muttered then look at Jimin eye to eye, Jimin felt guilty about what he just said but it was the truth his mind said. Jimin let out a deep sigh before looking away from Seulgi's gaze then fix his eyes anywhere besides his girlfriend.

'AM I NOT ENOUGH?!' Seulgi said once more with more anger and sadness in her voice. A continues sob escapes her lips as her breathing seems to be difficult now from the crying and sobbing she had been doing. Jimin instantly shoot his eyes back from his girlfriend knowing that she has hard time breathing when she's put into much anger or depression.

Jimin reached for his girlfriend but Seulgi instantly jolted away before he completelu reach for his girlfriend.

'Hear me out' Jimin said while keeping the space Seulgi wants. Seulgi ignored Jimin's word and went towards their bedroom with Jimin following behind.

Seulgi grab her suitcase under the bed and put it onthe top of their bed and opened it, revealing an empty space. She pace the room back and fort with her stuff in her arms. Jimin just watched Seulgi pace back and fort since his used to this kind of scene speacially when both of them got some problems and one of them just needed space to breath.

Since Seulgi was quite fond of packing fast, it didnt took her long to gather all her belongings into her suitcases.

Jimin just watched his girlfriend zipper the last suitcase without him having plans to stop her, he just stood there watching her casually.

Seulgi didnt bother changing her clothes but she grab a jacket instead and grab her suutcases with her and walked pass Jimin and went out of the room without a single glace or any words coming from the two.

A tear escaped Seulgi's eyes but wiped it away angrily because of the thought of Jimin not stopping her everytime she does this.

There was no words or goodbyes coming from both after Seulgi went out of the place completely, living Jimin drown on the things he might want to consider on the things his gonna do with Seulgi not around and speacially without Sana that he seems to have fun when Seulgi's often go.

Jimin and Seulgi's relationship wasnt like the Fairy tale romance you'lld expect from the movies or somewhat similar to the other celebrity romance, theres was the total opposet, way far from being perfect like the fans and medias expected them to develop in their romance between both. Though both pretends to have the perfect relationship on-screen, with all the kisses, cute skin ships, sweet lines and you name it, but the sad thing is when both of them are off-screen already they just pretended like nothing happened between them on-stage and just continue on with their personal lives.

Both of them was agreed by their entertainment to be together because of the attention of both artist could get and take advantage from the news, medias and of course money. Since they became the 'perfect couple to everyones eyes they got many appointments together like having a long list of reality shows paying big amounts of money just to get the couple to guest into their shows, famous brand labels asking them to be their brand ambassadors, and having a hectic schedule of music program to attend because of the special 'couple collaboration being aired and all of this just screams money.money.money for both entertainment.

After having a moment to think about his plans he finally manage to decide on what his gonna do, so with a sigh he grab his phone in his back pocket and dialed his friend's number

'Yoongi hyung, Im sleeping over. Be there in 10' with that he hung up and grab his car keys then exited the room completely.


Everytime Both artist tends to have a fight, Seulgi would always go and crash at her group mates apartment and the same goes to Jimin. Also upon the agreement both the companies made, one agreements states that both Artist should be put into one house and to have no choice but to leave their groups crib and live with each others in the same roof instead.

'Did both of you had a fight again?' Wendy; Seulgi's group mate asked while rubbing Seulgi's back in comfortion.

Seulgi didnt answer Wendy but instead let out a sob instead. All the remaining members looked at each other with worry in their faces and saddness too because Seulgi has to endure all of this just for their Entertainment to earn more money because of this so called 'perfect relationship.

'I-I cant do thi-his anymore' Seulgi said in a small voice but this was enough for the members to hear.

'Your a strong girl Seul and no one like him deserves such a big prize as you' Irene saif then hug Seulgi.

All of the members knows about everything behind this relationship both artist have and they all saw how Seulgi struggles to be strong upon dealing with a problem going on with her and Jimin. And as far as they know Seulgi havent cried like this whenever they got into a fight.

After Seulgi's sobbing faded out completely, the members think that this was the right time to ask their member what happened.

'Tell us' Irene whispered in a motherly voice.

There was a moment of silence before Seulgi answered.

'I caugh him cheating behind my back with Sana' Seulgi said again with a small voice but it was again enough for all the members to hear because of how close they are with her in their current position. After Seulgi answered her all the members eyes went huge and anger fuled in their body like wild fire. Wendy on the other hand had enough of the crap Seulgi had been treated and she doesnt desearve to be in this kind of situation soeacially that there entertainment would only be the one making use of the profit the couples get anyways, so Wendy stood up and grab her car keys and Jacket.

'Unnie wgere are you going?' Yeri asked, Wendy stop in a while and looked back where the members are at; looking at her in confusion.

'Seulgi had enough of this, and So have I' she said and ignoring all her members protest she opened the door and exited.

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