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The next morning Jimin left their group dorm early in the morning because he intentends to take the advice his hyung gave him last night. The boy didnt slept properly because he was thinking about Hoseok's words but in the end of the day he realizes that he might want to take the risk inable to make things right this time without Seulgi hurting.

Instead of Jimin heading strait to Red Velvet's dorm he headed towards the dorm where both of them are staying together, and while he was making his way towards that place he just hoped that it wasnt too late for Seulgi to forgive all the crap his been giving the precious girl.

Jimin parked his black porche in the building parking lot and slam the car door closed and run his way to his dorm.

Jimin arrived at his dorm door panting but the door was opened revealing his partner carrying big lagguages in her arms and some more behind her. They locked there eyes together for a minute and so until Seulgi tore his eyes away from Jimin's gaze.

'Im moving out... for good' Seulgi said turning to face Jimin in a blank face.

Jimin's chance of fixing this whole crap was crushed into thousands of peices by what he just heared Seulgi said.

'W-why' Jimin shuttered. Seulgi immedietly looked Jimin unbelievebly with her eyes filled with anger.

'Why?! Because I cant live with all this. I cant live with the same roof as you, I cant breath the same air with you and I CANT LIVE WITH ALL THIS PRETENDING CRAP WITH YOU! YOU KNOW WHAT?! WHY DIDNT I THOUGHT OF LEAVING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE WHEN YOU DONT EVEN TREAT ME LIKE A NORMAL BEING! You know what screw saying goodbye. Im out of here' Seulgi said grabbing all her lagguges with her with her bumping Jimin on the shoulders purposely on her way out. Jimin didnt tried to stop Seulgi from going because he knows that the girl had enough of his crap which came into the part where she cannot stand with the same room with him anymore.

She might really really hate me Jimin said in his mind. He watch as Seulgi's petite frame walked away from where he was standing and every step Seulgi make made him regret all the times where she was completely treating her like a ghost.

But much to Jimin's suprise Seulgi stop on her trace and look back at where Seulgi was still standing.

'And by the way, have fun fucking your mistress or should I say Playtoy Ciao madafucker' Seulgi said while continueing on walking until she was no longer on Jimin's sight.


Seulgi took all of her confidence for the last words she left for Jimin to come out from ger mouth. Seulgi also took all her self control not to turn around but all her thoughts was pushed away when a hand grap her wrist which made her to let go of her stroller and turn around to the person responsible of snatching her wrist.

'Please, lets talk this out' Jimin pleaded which caught Seulgi on shock. Never in her life leaving with the same roof with Jimin did she heared the boy pleaded. Jimin saw Seulgi's reaction which made him think twice about following her again

'Okay' Seulgi replied still in shock. But she masked her reaction immedietly with a blank face before Jimin sees her

Jimin's face lit up and it took all his self control not to flash the girl a toothy smile.

Without futher words he grab the suitcasses that Seulgi is holding and carried it instead and with his free hand he grab Seulgi's wrist and drag her gently along with him.


Jimin stop his car infront of a small lake that no one seems to be. After parking his car he exited the driver seat and hurried quickly at Seulgi's door to open it for her. Seulgi was speechless from the boy's behavior but she knew better than not to blow this moment.

Jimin guided Seulgi to the only beanch in the lake and to Jimin's relieve the girl didnt protested fron any of this.

As soon as both sat down on the beanch already, neither of them started any conversation while Jimin on the other hand was taking sighs and tugging on his hair due to his nerveousness.

'Im sorry for everything' Jimin said which made Seulgi to snap her head to Jimin. Jimin didnt made any Eye contact to the girl besides him but he could feel her gazes. Jimin let out a deep sigh after continuing.

'Im sorry for everything Seulgi, I gave you a really hard time which nay seems to you that your living in the same roof as the devil, Me. I yreated you like crap and you dont deserve to be treated like that because you are a beautiful, caring and strong women and you deserve the best.' Jimin said and Seulgi tried her best to hold back the tears thats threating to fall, but she failed; she was already tearing up.

'And believe me when I tell you that I didnt want to have an affair with Sana because Seulgi, your way to good conpared  to her. Its just that I've done such things Because I became selfish and despearate to have my freedom again. Its not your fault Seulgi, you have no fault at all. Its just that I was angry that both our companies paired us up without both of us not knowing just for their sake and there I thought that treating you like crap would make you break up with me and finally I could have my freedom. But as far as I went up with my plan I slowly wanna give all this crap up and start being nice to you but again I was despearate and angry and that anger inside of me just consume all those ideas of being nicw to you. Im sorry for everything Kang Seulgi, for every tear that falls from you eyes because of me, for the hard times I've been giving to you, for all those harsh actions and for all the heartaches, just because of me. Im sorry Kang Seulgi, Mianhe.' Jimin finished and finallly able to lock eyes with seulgi. Seulgi on the other hand was crying through out Jimin's speech but it was not sad tears but Joyful once instead. Never in her dreams did she imagined Jimin asking for forgiveness from all his acts and finally its happening now and she cannot deny the fact that she was beyond happy.

There was a complete silence between them and Seulgi's tears was slowly fading away. Finally after her tears died down a warm smile was plastered on her face then she reached for Jimin's hands. Jimin snap his gaze to Seulgi which he was welcomed with the warmest smile Seulgi has shown to him.

'I understand Jimin, and I forgive you. For all this time we were arguing I didnt hear you out, I didnt opened up enough to hear the reasons why you've been acting that way towards me. Im sorry too' Seulgi confessed and Jimin couldnt hide a smile tugging out of its way to his lips. Again a comfortable silence followed until Jimin held Seulgi's hand into his own with a goofy smile in his face. Seulgi was shook from the action Jimin just did

'I would want us to start over again Seulgi. Let's start dating and start a fresh one. I want to correct all of this Seulgi and I hope I can give me another chance' Jimin said locking his eyes to Seulgis' while interwining his fingers to Seulgi's hands.

Seulgi was left shook but her reaction was changed for some moments and now replaced with a warm smile. She squeezes Jimin's hand before answering his question.

'I would love to Jimin. I would love too'


Bighit aint making me sleep until Midnight because they might drop another BTS concept photo bISH IM DEAD

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