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There will be lots of grammitical mistakes and wrong spellings…so i just want you to comment in where its wrong thank you and Enjoy!
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Thilkias pov:

My mother is abusing me again while my father is outside gambling.

I was screaming and screaming"mum please ...stop"

"no you deserve it,why do you deserve answer me" my so called mother said as she was twisting and pinching my bruised weak arm .

" i didnt do anything now mom please stop" i was screaming and yelling at the same time .

This time she threw me onto the floor and started kicking me so badly.
I was yelling and screaming in pain .
I said to myself are abusive mumes always like this?

I was crying and yelling.
I think the neighbours who are next next door can hear me,i was screaming the life out of myself.

" i told you to bring bread not milk" she was screaming at me this time but also kicking me.

I couldnt respond because the next thing you know is i can see my vision blurring and i blanked out.....

I could oddly still make the words she was yelling at me.

The next day:
I was still seeing blurry vision but i woke up for good .

I wanted to ...
I dont know i thought i was in the hospital but no im still in the hell hole.

Why is she doing this?
What did i do to her?

I need to do something about this quickly,but she ruined it
"you dumb child go and bring milk before i beat the living life out of you" my so called mum said as she was coming down stairs .
As you can tell we are poor and we live in an oddly damaged flat .
We do have neighbours who can hear the tinniest drop of a pencil.

I went and took my purse and walked down the street to be welcomed with fresh air and a breeze of happiness.

I was walking to the shop and bought the milk.
Blue milk so we can survive enough .
Something caught my eye ...

Sammys POV(billionare:))

I got out of my lambagini and headed towards the shop my father is keeping on nagging me about meeting the shop lady he said she was a friend of him.

I was getting intreviewd here about "Mr Johns what are you going to do in this low marketed shop"
For goodnes sake this is all my fathers fault,yes my name is My last name is Johns so i advise brodcasters and the parparazzi to call me Mr Johns.
But my name is actually Sammy which is a fair name i aprreciate.

I was walking towards the shop and something caught my eye...

So how was the prologue comment vote and share chapter 1 coming out soon!
See ya!

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