Chapter 3

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Sorry for long update)

Sammy's pov

" yes" steven replied but where is she i thought?
" where is she then?"
I asked him but he gave me a look which tells me something.

"umm she is in the hos..pital"

" why?" i asked worriedly

" because she was,um she had a black eye"
" and who gave her a black eye?" i questioned

" i dont know"
" what hospital was she sent to?"

" she was sent to Vkrin min

"okay take me there"

We drove about 40 minutes,40 whole minutes.

I hope shes okay i prayed.

We got there and there i went in asked the doctor what room she was in,i went in there and there i was connected with those Emerald eyes.

Thilkias Pov

We were just staring,nothing green to hazel.

"um.. I said"
"  no dont stand up" he said
He continued
" i came here because when i first saw you,i dont know"
Now he was staring at me with love and adoration.

I dont know him so why is he caring for me,im just an homless girl abused ugly and alone,and he just came here for no reason and i dont really know him.

" just get out please i dont know you leave and let me be go away"
I couldn't believe i let out those words i can see it hurt him badly.

He was about to speak but the doctor came in and he was sent out i dont want to deal with it,hes a stranger and im a stranger he was looking at me with love and adoration no one ever looked at me liked that not even my abusive called parents.

" ma,am we need you to rest,i dont think you slept well"
I nodded and then drifted of to sleep.
Thinking about that stranger who looked at me with love and adoration.

Sammys pov

Why didnt she look at me the same why did she kick me out and said im a total stranger to her,true that,but to me i feel like i know her more,since i saw her soul,that she was lying.

She had a big purple bruise,who did that to her,but im gonna find out,who did it and they surely will pay.

But know i need to focus on how to make her like me and adore me,without thinking im a stranger to her.

I think im gonna call steve.

" hey stev i need your help the girl is not talking to me shes saying im a total stranger to her"

* you are a ceo why dont you take her on a date and get to know her more,here i tell you what wear a wig and act like and old lady dress like and old lady*
" ok cool stev"
*no problem or you can hire her to your job,and then get to know her more*
" okay stev thx see ya'
* bye*

Ok know that steve helped me i think i have a plan.
What is the plan exactly?
I promise next chapter out next week im so bsy and stressed see ya
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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