Chapter 1

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Sammys pov

Yes something caught my eye one beautuful emerald eye...
She lookes like an angel made by God .
People were talking with me but i ignored it,it felt like that emerald eyes was hypnotizing me,i only had hazel eyes while she had an epic emerald(green) eye.

The wind was blowing on her fair like snow white skin,she also had the hair colour of snow white jet black hair.

This time i snapped out of my gaze this time as someone touched my shoulder“sammy son i came here as soon as i heard the parparazzi were asking you lots of questions”.
My father said as he was looking at me concernly.
Yes my dad is name is Sam Johns so thats why he decided to name me Sammy as soon as my mother died.

I need to stop thinking about my mum..

As soon as i looked back the girl was gone no where to be seen.

Wow weird.

“son we need to go and meet my friend”.
My father and I went into the shop and gretted his friend Julie Tomson she was like a second mother to me.

“hello sammy,hello sam how you guys doing”.
She gretted us as soon as we entered the shop.

I replied shortly“im fine thank you”.

Her and my father were talking while i was zoning out thinking about that girl,emerlade eye.

I have never seen a girl like her.

Thilikias Pov

I was now thinking about that guy as i was walking back home .

I think i should stop thinking about him hes not going like to see me again anyway.
But i was attracted to thos hazel eyes.
They were so dreamy.

“so i see you have got the milk dumbly child who ruined my life” my so called mother said to me,wow i zoned out because by the time i was here was when my mother opened the door i was just standing there gazing at the ceiling.

“what are you dreaming about,have you met lover boy uh, did you?if you did i swear i will take out your guts and feed it to the animals? She said horribly i was so discusted,she slapped me this time.

I just went to go upstairs to sleep.

“i havent finished talking to you you dumbfounded child,your dum as hell and death as hell”
She said as i blacked out but this time slept.

I started having a horrible dream and i said“mum no please stop.”
“no mum please stop”.
I was begging in my dream but i woke up with a gigantic hand making my face sting .
“what should i stop” she said grusely . She was holding a stick on her other hand.
“mum please stop beating me what did i do to you” i said as i started crying.
“what have you done to me let me think? Oh i knos you ruined my life,you ruined my life,my freedomed life,my happy life,if i didnt have you then i would be outside happy,rich,having a good life and friends i would be laughing” she screamed at me then next thing i know i blacked out for bad.

So readers what do you think of this chapter? Yes updated chapter 1 and prologue in a day im sorry if its short but i will try my best comment vote share and follow if you please to do it!
Good day see ya!

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