Chapter 2

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Warning:grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes so dont
(Not edited ) say 'i didnt warn you' ...and..
Thilikias Pov

I felt dizzy but i can hear voices.
Who are they and where am i?
I tried sitting up but i couldnt i opened my eyes tiny bit to meet with some hazel eyes.

(Sammys pov)

After i finished talking to my dad i wanted to meet that girl who had emerald eyes.

So i texted my friend Steven Oloqua to follow the girl because when i was getting asked questions from the parprazzis he saw me staring at her so i texted him quick and told him to follow her that day.

He told me to meet him somewhere.
I went there but the town looked old and...
Never rebuilt never fixed or anything weird.

But i was walking till i hear someone say 'sammy' and i knew who it was,it was oviousliy my friend Steven Oloqua.
“Stev have you find the girl” i knickamed him stev,but surely i wanted to know about that girl .

Sorry readers if it is short i promsie to update tommorow but maybe a favour just jk ok comment vote and share as you like!
See ya next chapter up tommorow!might be long!
Goodday!Also do you want pic of char? Comment

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