Chapter one

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"So I'll see you tonight right?" She asked in a really high pitched voice which in my response I Cringe at because its not like I have the volume turned all the way up on my phone either

" I guess. You know I might be busy right?" I said clearly annoyed with myself for almost the same response for the last couple of months.

" Oh come on don't give me that you know your mom said you could go. So what is your excuse this time Sam?."

" You know I want to go but my mom's husband is working late shift tonight so she will be here by herself with the babies and I know she might need my help." I say to her mostly to convince myself that I want to stay home and help.

"Bullsh-" she says trying to make me deaf. I Interrupt having to just make her happy for once in a long time besides I really needed to get out I am starting to get claustrophobic in my bedroom most of the time.

"Alright I come if you promise to come help me get dressed, and make sure i am home by eleven." I say to her as i dragged myself to the bathroom. i already knew it was going to be a long night.

"fine." she says but i hang up on her at soon as possible. I was tired and i wanted a nap but that is not going to happen after what I just got myself into.

I washed and looked through my clothes and could not find anything decent for tonight That was not too short or too long.

I gave up and I threw on a simple T and jeans until Adrian came over. she was good at that at least. I went downstairs to the nursery where the twins were at. I could see Jonah starting to wake up and I walked in the room and looked at him and I picked him up and smiled

"who excited to see your big sister Sammy?" He giggled and I Kissed his forehead. I turned around with him in my hands to check on Jayla but she was wide eyed awake and just staring at us both like we were caught guilty.

"what?" I said as I put Jonah back in his crib and the wail of Jayla's crying startled me.

" jeez Jayla do you have to be such a drama queen at only five months." said a familiar tone. I turned around to pick her up and my mom walked by to get Jonah. Jayla gladly accepted my arms .

"Hey mom It's still okay if i go out tonight right?" I asked her wondering if might change her mind. I didn't want her to worry.

"yeah i told you this already honey i do not mind just my rules not staying out past one. summer is almost over and you have been couped here all the time." she said while changing John's diaper. It was true and I needed to be refreshed before schools starts next week. I heard the doorbell ring and still was carrying Jayla and waved my free hand to mom along with a smile. I went to go check the door. it was probably Adrian.

"Hey ." she said and i noticed she wasnt looking at me she was looking at jayla the little attention hogger.

" Hello to you to, come lets hurry up before it gets to late. " i said walking toward the nursery to drop jayla off. she was already on her way upsatirs and I set her inside her crib. I walked inside my bedroom and it looked like a tornado up in here.

"Adrian what did you do?" I heaved out. I do not think she noticed that I have to clean it up.

"shut up I have your clothes." I sighed at her response but got my clothes off the bed.


"damn." i said looking into the mirror at the dress. I have to admit i look pretty good
The dress hugging my curves but their was still something missing that I was worried about. My shoes.
I hate heels but I know a little bit of change is good for once. I looked back at Adrian and she was smiling and wide eyed.
"What?" I said to her as I went in my closet to retrieve my heels
"Nothing I'm glad my friend is coming out her shell" she said as I turned on my music. Of course I played twenty one pilots.
"God sam why do intend on me hating you more?"Adrian said as she went to the speaker and I flopped on the bed she hated them absolutely hated twenty one pilots and we tend argue about it alot. And I don't want to argue with her about right now.
"So who's party?" I asked
"I dont know Adams I think I'm not sure."
"Not good Adrian. Adam means alcohol." I said as I looked at her wide eyed. I would put up with a lot of things but this is a big no no.
"Come on Sam live a little no one is going to force you just don't be a party poooper." Adrian said as she said as she went to reapply her lipstick.
"Fine but we're going to be late if you don't hurry I want to be back by eleven or twelve." I said grabbing my purse

I headrd downstairs and into the nursery where I saw John and Jayla sleeping on my mom's chest. I backed out slowly and waited for Adrian in the living room.
"Alright Sam it's already eight forty let's go you some fun." She said while heading out the door.
Well here's goes another start to freshman​ year.

AN: well here my new story not updating till you vote comment and add

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