Ninja Academy

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After what felt like forever, we finally made it to the Nara's residence. It wasn't anything special really or so I thought. The front was like any modern house here in the village, but once we went though the brown gate on the side, the inside was breath taking. When you first walk in, all you saw was a giant cherry blossom growing over a medium sized pond, filled with lilies and lily pads. A red and white flower bed on the side next to a fountain shaped like a deer. Just over the fence was a forest where I saw deer's roaming around.  It was breath taking. The guys must've saw my face because I heard Shikaku chuckle and muttered something me being cute. Shikamaru's facial expression didn't go unnoticed as he rolled his eyes as started walking inside, followed by Choji who just finished his bag of chips. I was now stuck with an adult who just walked inside as well, looking back at me, and beckoned me with his head to follow. I shrugged and walked inside, the smell of miso soup and dumplings filled my nose. My mouth watered and felt my stomach rumble in hunger. "I should really start remembering to eat" I thought as I tried to remember the last time I ate. It was yesterday night since dad wanted to be in the village in the morning. After he was done talking to the hokage, we met up and he told me to go see him and that we were parting ways for now. I took off my shoes from the door, remembering my manners and once I was done, I saw a little smile plastered on the old mans face. I frowned at his action but decided to forget about it.

Shikaku: dear, we are home                                                                                                                                       

Yoshino: hi dear

I heard Shikaku yell in the dinning room and a young women with black straight hair appeared from the kitchen. She was wearing a red apron and had a headband to keep her hair from falling in her face. She had brown eyes and such a kind face...well until shikamaru came in the room wearing his shoes.


I jumped at her sudden outburst and tried to hold in a laugh once I saw Shikamaru cringe at his mothers loudness. Choji gulped and ran to put his shoes by the door as well as a muttering shikamaru. Something about being a drag or something like that. A giggle escaped my lips and now I was the center of attention, having both of the adults looking at me. Yoshino looked at me and gave me a closed smile.

Yoshino: Dear, you didn't tell me we were having such a cute guest over

I blushed at her comment and kind of scratch the back of my neck from shyness

shikamaru: hmph, cute? She far from cute mother

My smile went away and glared at the pineapple head boy who smirked at me, hands in his pockets.

Mo: well at least I don't have a pineapple shaped head with a bad attitude

I said crossing my arms over my chest and gave him my signature smirk. His reaction was just what I expect, shock and priceless. He looked down and he was the one who was scratching the back of his head, glaring at the floor.

shikamaru: Troublesome women

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