Sasuke. Friend or foe?

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The boy smirked as he ran full speed at me, raising his left fist in the air. I smirked with determination on my face as I got ready to make my first move. His left fist came flying through the air targeting me, but I measly blocked it by side stepping to the right. With the force he was going, he went straight passed me, tripping over himself to stop. But he only ended up falling on his stomach, making me giggle. I held my mouth as I tried not to laugh to loudly, but it was so funny that I couldn't hold it in. I fell to the ground laughing, pointing at the boy who was now red in the face with embarrassment.

M: wow, I thought you were going to be serious

Boy: ah...shut up

He growled and got up before running at me again. He jumped in the air and raised his right leg straight out to land a kick on me. But I was too busy laughing I stared rolling around, making him miss his kick. His leg made contact to the ground, making the ground crumble a bit. I looked at him and stuck out my tongue as I got up and dusted myself off. This only made him even more mad and sent off a series of attacks. I smiled and started dodging them all, moving side to side while moving my feet in a dancing matter. I closed my eyes and let my sense take over, my hair swaying around the air. To a person, it looked like we were dancing some weird dance, with my twirling and poetic steps. I was having so much fun, I forgot we were actually supposed to be fighting. "I think it's time to end this little charade" I thought and jumped over him, landing on in a crouched position. I opened my eyes and looked back to see him panting, sweat rolling down his face as he tried to catch his breath.

M: that was really fun, but I think it's time for you to sit down

Boy: you (gasp) didn't even (gasp) make a (gasp) move

I smiled and in a blink of an eye, I was right in front of him. I lifted my right hand and poked his forehead. He teetered sideways until his legs gave up. He fell on his back, groaning from exhaustion. I closed my eyes and tilted my head sideways and smiled.

M: much better

I heard clapping from behind me and was tackled to the ground. I yelped in freight and caught a glimpse of blonde hair. I smiled as Naruto hugged me and rambled on and on how I did that and how cool it was. I sheepishly grinned at him as we both got up. I looked over at Shikamaru who rolled his eyes but had a slight smirk on his face, giving me a nod of approval. Choji, who was busy stuffing his face, gave me a thumbs up and a huge smile which made me chuckle. I then looked over to Sasuke who, surprisingly watch my fight, gave me a smirk before turning around to watch another fight. Iruka-sense wrote something on his clipboard before proceeding to call the next pair of contestants. Ino and Sakura went against each other and instead of fighting physically, they started arguing about who Sasuke belong to. Shikamaru went against Kiba, although Shikamaru protested that he didn't feel like fighting, still gave it his all and somehow beat Kiba. It made Kiba furious and he told Shikamaru off that he just stood there not doing a damn thing. Choji lost to that kid with the shades and coat over his mouth. He gave off a creepy vibe since he barely talked and I asked Naruto who he was but even he didn't even know. Soon it was Sasuke and Naruto's turn. While Sasuke sauntered over to his side of the field, Naruto was grinning and boosting up his ego.

Naruto: Alright! Now I can show everyone that I'm the number one ninja here

Sakura: you mean the number one loser

Sakura and the girls giggled at him but he didn't even noticed them talking due to the excitement he had. I growled lowly and shot them a glare once they looked over at me.

Moriah: the nerve of these people

I muttered and crossed my arms over my chest and went back to watching Naruto's fight. They boys both shook hands and bowed before going back to their spots. Inside, I was just as excited as Naruto was and what made me happy was the determination look on Naruto's face. I couldn't wait to see him...

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