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You and the host club where doing the monthly cosplay hosting. When suddenly a new girl made the mistake of opening the doors. She seemed quiet as she slowly peeked her head into music room three. "Welcome princes!" Tamaki greeted lovingly and kissed her hand. "Get away you nasty grease monkey!!!!" She yelled all sorts of insults at the poor king. Each one piercing his heart causing him to fall on his back to lay on the cold floor. "T-Tamaki?" You wondered if he was okay. "What have I told you?" Kyoya asked. "Some guests don't like that kind of greeting," "Eek!" The girl squeaked. "My prince! I can't wait to get married!" You couldn't help but yell, "What the hell?!" "You're Kyoya's fiancé?!" Asked the twins. "Why yes!" The new girl said once she sat down. Tamaki, as usual, was in his corner of doom. "Milord's upset 'cuz mommy kept a secret from daddy," Hikaru said. "How long do you intend to refer to us as 'mommy' and 'daddy'?" Kyoya asked. "It was love at first sight!" She said gleefully. "Oh I'm sorry. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name's Renge Hoshakuji. I just transferred here from France," Renge kept ranting on about Kyoya with some plant and an injured kitten but you weren't listing. "Are you certain we're both talking Kyoya here?" Haruhi asked. "Haruhi! Don't be so insensitive! He's standing right next to you!" You yelled. "YES OF COURSE!" Renge screeched. "HE'S KIND AND ASKS FOR NOTHING!!! HE'S ALWAYS LONELY BUT DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WANT ANYONE TO WORRY!!" Then she compared Kyoya to a character in a video game called 'Uki Ichijo Miyabi'. "Oh? You're a fangirl?" You asked. "Of course!" She yelled proudly putting her hands on her hips and laughing."The boys seemed to be overreacting almost as if they had never seen a fangirl. 'Wait they have seen a fangirl before right?' You asked yourself knowing the answer. "Why are you guys so shocked? She's just a fangirl," Haruhi asked. "Yeah I'm a fangirl, too," You stated. "You are?!" The twin asked in unison, shock covered there voices. "Well...yeah. I'm a huge otaku," You said. "But you don't act like one at all!" Tamaki protested. "No I do. I just don't have anyone to fangirl with," You said. You saw Tamaki and the twins' jaw drop. "What..?" You asked. "N-nothing," Tamaki said. "This is starting to make sense," Kyoya said. "She thinks I'm a game character," "So she isn't your real fiancée..?" Tamaki asked. "No I don't recall ever proposing to her," Kyoya said as if it were a duh moment. You had completely ignored the French girl and were quiet surprised when you suddenly found yourself in the kitchen of the school. 'Did I zone out?' You asked yourself. You looked around and saw that Renge was forcing the hosts to baking cookies. 'Why are they listening to her?' You asked yourself another unanswerable question. "(Y/N), come help us with the chocolate chips," Kaoru called you over from the other side of the room. "So why are we baking cookies?" You asked as you helped the twins mix the chocolate chips into the dough. "Renge, that French lady, wanted to and Kyoya said yes... so we have to do it to," Kaoru said with a sigh. After the cookies were done being mixed, you and the twins made small balls out of the dough. You then put them on trays and into the oven they go. After the dough was done baking Hunny tried one. "This is gross," He said. "How dare you!" Renge cursed at him. Her hair look as if they had turned into snakes like medusa. Renge chased Hunny-Senpai around the cooking room until Mori stepped in. "Takashi! Takashi!" Hunny wined as he climbed on Mori's back. Renge stoped the chase when she saw Mori-Senpai and went over to Kyoya. "You'll protect me won't you my prince?" She asked. "Why of course," Kyoya responded. "Lets make a movie!" Renge suggested. "A movie?" Kyoya asked intrigued. Next thing you knew you where outside surrounded bye a camera crew from Hollywood. 'I've zoned out a lot today. Am I getting sick?' You asked while you felt your forehead for a tempter. "What's wrong?" Kaoru asked. "Hm? Oh nothing it's just I've zone out twice today," You reinsured. "That's not good at all," He said and felt you forehead for you. "...You don't have a tempter," He said, "Let's go to the nurses office," "But I'm fine," You protested. "Better safe than sorry," Kaoru said while pulling your hand toward the inside of the school. "We'll be back!" He called out to anyone that was listening. The director nodded and off you two went to the nurse. "This is very sweet of you, but I'm sure I can make it by myself," You said to Kaoru. He was still holding your hand. "Nah. It's fine,"Kaoru said. "And plus I was looking for an excuse to leave. I never thought the French could be so annoying," You both chuckled. "How come you're so nice and your brother...not so much?" You asked. "You think I'm nice?" He asked. "W-well compared to Hikaru you definitely are," You stuttered. Kaoru chuckled. "Thanks!" He said with a smile. "Hmm... I don't know. I just am," Kaoru said, "Is Hikaru really that mean?" "He is when he's alone. Or rather when you're not there beside him," You answered. "Sorry, but I can't be there all the time," Kaoru apologized. "I understand," You assured him. "What I don't understand is how you can stand him ninety nine percent of the time." You wondered that most of all. "I'm used to it." Kaoru replied. "I suppose we all get used to our siblings. Like how I can deal with (S/N) all the time. She's annoying, but I still love her," You said. Kaoru smiled at you, but you didn't notice for you had made it to the nurses office. "Nurses are you there?" Kaoru asked. "Yes," A man replied. "What's the problem?" He asked. "Nothing much, it's just that I've been zoning out a lot today," You stated. "Take a seat. I'll take your temperature," The nurses gestured to one of the many beds. "Thank you for bringing me here," You thanked Kaoru. "No problem." He replied. "Is it okay if I stay here with you?" Kaoru asked more toward the nurse than you. "You can stay if you'd like but it doesn't seem serious," The nurse answered. "But won't Milo- I mean Tamaki be mad if you stay?" You asked. "You said Milord!" Kaoru grinned. "No I didn't! I said Tamaki!" You protested blushing. "You were about to say Milord!" Kaoru giggled. You put your head in your hands to hide the pink spread across your cheeks. Once the nurse said you where fine you and Kaoru left. The walk back was filed of laughter. You had talked about so many things. And you enjoyed all the topics. 'This is fun.' You thought. Once you had exited the building you saw the host club. Kyoya had just destroyed the camera lens. "What did you do that for?!" You asked. "You have been a bother." Kyoya stated rudely at Renge who was now crying. "Why are you being so mean?!" She cried. "You're supposed to be nice and pat my head and me 'everything will be okay'! So why?!" Renge sobbed. "That's not our Kyoya," Tamaki said. Haruhi knelt down to Be eye level with Renge. Haruhi said something inspirational but you couldn't hear her because you were too far away. The next day one of Haruhi's regulars said. "I bought the movie you made!" "Eh?" You asked. You and Haruhi turned your heads toward Kyoya. "Didn't you destroy the movie?" Haruhi asked. "I destroyed the camera lens. The footage inside stayed completely unharmed," Kyoya replied with a devils grin. Your eyebrow twitched. 'Why is he like this?' You asked yet another unanswerable question. "Oh Haruhi! I'm not going back to France. I've decided to stay here in Japan!" A familiar voice said you turned to see Renge bursting with joy. 'God help me!'
Authors note: Today's question is current favorite anime.

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