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It had been three days since the beach, three days since you and Kaoru had confessed too each other, and you couldn't be happier. You had never felt more free, nor had you ever felt more relieved. You would often catch yourself smiling over nothing at all. You felt like the world you had been carrying on your shoulders was gone. Your mind was clear, well at least for now. You were walking back to the host club after being sent for instant coffee with Haruhi, when she tripped on a rock. You tried to catch her but someone beat you to it. She was tall and had short hair. The lady was wearing a boys uniform just like Haruhi. "You must be carful young lady," she said, "It'd be a shame to hurt that pretty face of yours." "Who are you?" You asked, "I'm not trying to be rude, but I thought I knew everyone at Ouran." "All will be explained," the lady started, "once you take me to the person who's making you dress like that," the lady turned to Haruhi when she said that. "I guess that means you get to meet Tamaki then," Haruhi replied calmly. "Haruhi, I don't know if that's such a good idea," you whispered so the stranger couldn't hear you, "We did just meet her." "It'll be fine," Haruhi reassured. When you returned to the host club. The cosplay style was European Knights, which you helped design. "Ah, princess... even if this world ends...I wish to be your knight, protecting you with all my life," Tamaki said and kissed a guest's hand. (Please note: this is the actual line that Tamaki used. I do not own it. I just couldn't find a way to rephrase it.) "Do you really think a girl you left behind could ever be happy?" A girl with long hair said. "There's no helping it, Suzuran-Senpai. They're men, what did you expect?" Another girl asked she had short hair but, not as short as the lady you were with. "Well, what would you prefer?" Tamaki asked. "Well, I would never leave her alone," the lady you were with said, "If we fight we fight together. If decrees, lets die in each other's arms. I swear never to leave your side, even after my final breath..." (Again this is the actual line from the books. I do not own it I give full credit to Bisco Hatori. Please forgive me.) "Haruhi , (Y/N)? What are you doing with her?!" Tamaki asked. You could tell he was not okay with you being around her. "Benibara-Senpai!" The short haired girl said gleefully. "Where did you find these cuties?" The long haired one asked. "Right outside. Aren't they lovely?" Benibara asked. Then the girls started touching your face and hair. 'What the hell are they doing?!' You asked yourself. When one of them touched your chest where you most certainly did not want to be touched you started to yell, "Don't touch me there you perv's!" You yelped.  "You have no right to be touching (Y/N)!!" Kaoru shouted. You had never seen Kaoru get angry before so you didn't know how to react. He came up to you and pushed them away putting himself between you and the annoying girls. "You're even worse than Tamaki!" You growled. The girls gasped at the comparison. "How could you?" The longer haired one asked, disgust was staining her words. "...she didn't mean that. She was just distorted because she was with these men for so long," Benibara said. "I did to mean it! If I didn't mean it then I wouldn't have said it," you yelled more. "...Who are you anyway?" Haruhi asked changing the topic, "I never did catch your names." With a swoop they took off there clothes to reveal a second layer of cloth. "I'm second year Benio Amakusa," the one you met outside said. "I'm second year Chizuru Maihara," the one with long hair said. "I'm first year Tsuwabuki," the girl with sort hair said. "We are the saint Reberia women's institute 'white lily club' A.K.A. The Zuka club!" They said together. Somehow they where warring there school uniform now. 'How did she fit her uniform under the Ouran uniform..?' You asked. The twins laughed, and laughed, and laughed as Benio explained and boasted about there all girls school. 'Oh. So they're lesbians.' You figured. "You can leave now," the twins said rudely, but Kaoru's words had more bite to them. "Do you have no words for our divine love?" Chizuru asked. "No, we just aren't interested in lesbians," Hikaru said. "Yeah, just leave already," Kaoru said still between you and the girls. "Fine, but we will be back to save these beautiful women," Benio said and twirled out of the club room with her club mates. "I should get going," you said. You where about to leave, but where pulled back by Kaoru and pulled into a kiss. The kiss ended only a few seconds, but it seemed to last an eternity. Once he pulled out you where as red as a tomato. "Then I'll see you tomorrow," he said sweetly. "Yeah tomorrow," you smiled at him. You left the room ignoring all the stares you had gotten from the other hosts. "Since when have you...?" Hikaru asked. "That's our little secret," Kaoru replied. "Just tell me already," Hikaru complained. "The beach," his brother said. The others stayed quiet until Tamaki started on his 'fatherhood lecture' which lasted about an hour. *RING* Kaoru got a call on his phone. "Who is it?" Haruhi asked. "(Y/N). But, she's usually busy right now," Kaoru was surprised to be getting a call from you. He answered. "Hello?" He asked into his flip phone. "Hello..." Kaoru didn't recognize the women's voice. "Who is this?" He asked. "I'm sorry it's just..," she trailed off. "It's just what?" Concern littering his words. "It was just lying there beside her. I didn't know what to do. I'm so so sorry, sir," the lady said. "Sorry about what?!" Kaoru was even more concerned now. "The young girl who's phone this is...she-she's in the hospital. She was hit by a car while crossing the street. It was a hit-and-run. No one saw who did it." The women said. Kaoru could tell she pitied him. "Is she alright?" He asked. "I'm sorry, I don't know," she said. "Which hospital?" Kaoru asked fear starting to take over. "The one on 72nd street," the lady said.
Kaoru hung up the phone and started to run toward the hospital. I got there he was huffing and wheezing. "Are you all right?" the lady at the front desk asked. "I'm here to see someone," Kaoru said ignoring her question.
"(Y/N) (L/N)."
She clicked on the computer before her. "Are you family?"
"I'm sorry, they aren't letting anyone but family visit her right now."
"Can you tell me if she'll be alright?"
"No. I can't give information about our patience out to anyone."
"When can I see her?"
She clicked on her computer some more. "About a week from now. But you have to have permission from at least one of ms. (L/N)'s relatives."
"Thank you."
"Can you give me her parents phone numbers? We don't have any means of contact."
"I don't know her parents but her sister's number is *********"
"Thank you, sir." She waved as Kaoru left the building. 'What do I do?What do I do?What do I do?What do I do?' He asked completely panicking. He was worried and helpless he wanted to help but he knew there was no was he could. *RING* his phone went off. It was Hikaru. 'That's right I didn't tell him or anyone where I was going.' He remembered. He didn't answer. More like he couldn't. His hands were shaking and he felt pinpricks of tears behind his eyes. He ran to his mansion and locked himself in his room. Lying face first in his bed. *click click* the door opened. Kaoru had forgotten that Hikaru had a key. "What happened?" Hikaru asked. Kaoru didn't reply. He sat up on his bed to face Hikaru. "What's wrong? You can tell me," Hikaru encourage. Hikaru was shocked to suddenly sobbing. *sob sob* "Why are you crying?" Hikaru hugged his silent brother. "What happened to you?" Hikaru stayed quiet while Kaoru explained the situation. It took twice as long to tell him what happened because Kaoru sobbed through it. All Hikaru could do was hold his brother in his arms. Kaoru was silent during the next week of school. He said nothing to anyone. He didn't smile, he didn't laugh. He was just there in the background while school and club activities where on. Intel he got the call from the hospital. He answered it intently. "Hello?" He asked hopefully. "Are you mr. Kaoru Hitachiin?" A man asked. "Yes."
"We have called to tell you that you can visit your friend ms. (Y/N) (L/N) now."
"Yes! Thank you!" Kaoru said more gleefully than he had been the previous week. "But sir-" Kaoru didn't listen. He ran out of the school to the hospital, once there he asked the lady at the front desk what room you where in. "269," she said. He ran to your room opening the door to see you in a hospital gown sitting on a white bed. He hugged you befor you had a chance to grasp the situation. "I'm so glad you're alright!!" Kaoru yelled. "What are you doing?!" You yelled at him not at all happy about the situation. "What...?"
"I only just meet you and you try to crush my ribs?!"
"What are you saying..? You've known me for three months now..."
"No I haven't!!" You yelled. Kaoru's heart shattered. 'What the hell is this?!' He asked himself. "Sir!" A nurse called him. Kaoru left the room slowly unable to comprehend what had just happened. "Mr. Hitachiin. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but ms. (L/N) has amnesia." The nurse said. "How much does she remember..?" Kaoru asked. "We don't know, but it seems since about the first week of school." The shards of Kaoru's heart exploded at those words.
-to be continued-
Authors note: this was hard to write, I'm not going to lie. But man I was excited I've been waiting to write this. *heavy breathing*. I'm really happy that that you guys have been commenting. And I've almost got 600 reads! Thank you all!
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What are future questions you want me to ask? 'Cuz I'm running out of ideas. I mean I have like one more and that's it. I'm not very creative, sorry. Sorry that I'm not consistent, too. Also I hope this didn't scar you for life or anything. Todays question is what's your favorite manga currently. Again, thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it.

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