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'Why did this happen to me? Why? Just... why?' I laid down on my bed and cried until there was no moisture left in my body. I was confused and flustered. My mind in utter chaos. Just repeatedly asking myself 'why'. The question was so simple yet, so hard to answer. I was buried in my thoughts until (S/N) came to pull me out. "Hey, (Y/N), you had a call today. From some all girl school called Rebelia, Lobelia, or something like that. Do you know them?" (S/N) asked from the other side of my door. "Yeah, you can just ignore them," I answered, hiding my emotions surprisingly well. They had been bothering me for awhile now. I don't know why though. "Oh... okay. Are you alright? You haven't even eaten dinner," I knew she was worried, so I pretended to be fine, "Of course. I'm just not hungry right now."
"... Okay, what ever you say," (S/N) sounded sad when she said this, which made my heart sink even lower. I was consumed by regret and was at a loss for what to do. I stayed in my bed for the rest of the day before I finally decided to eat something. It was 9:00 the next day. 'I wonder if we have any leftover pizza' I slowly stepped downstairs to the kitchen. I was rummaging through the fridge when there was a sudden knock on the door. 'Who could that be?' (S/N) answered it. I observed the conversation. "Oh! What are you doing here?" She asked. "Were's (Y/N)?" It was Hikaru. 'Why is Hikaru here?' "She isn't feeling well. You'll have to come back another time," (S/N) tried to close the door, but Hikaru blocked it with his foot. "I need to speak with her," he sounded upset. "I'm sorry she really isn't feeling w-"
I cut her off, "I'm feeling better now." "Okay... I'll leave you to it then..." and with that she left us alone.
"What did you do?" Hikaru clenched his fist. His voice sounded like he was holding a lot of anger back. I was taken by surprise and flinched.
"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything."
"Don't you dare give me that shit!" He started yelling, but not loud enough for anyone else to hear, "Kaoru's more depressed now than he was after you lost your memory!"
"He is...?"
"Are you an idiot?! All he wanted was for you to be happy, and you pushed him away?!"
"I-I-I'm sorry," I started to quiver.
"'Sorry'?! That's not enough! You betrayed him, and you think a 'sorry' is gonna do anything?! Kaoru is gentle and kind! He doesn't deserve any of this crap!"
I didn't know what to say. I knew it was true. Every. Last. Word.
"I-I-I'm sorry," was all I could muster before I felt hot tears start to fall down my cheeks. I covered my mouth with my hand in order to prevent myself from hiccuping.
"Goodbye, (Y/N)." It sounded like he was never going to see me again. Or more like he wasn't going to look at me again. I just stood there crying until (S/N) came to check on me. I gave up on eating altogether. My appetite was long gone. I just stood there in my sister's arms, crying until I couldn't cry anymore. Unable to do anything but weep, I missed school, skipped meals, and slept all day. I occasionally checked Facebook, I had a billion text messages. I was kinda relieved by this, because it meant people cared. "I'm sorry..." and I bawled more. *knock knock* "Yes?" I asked.
"Um, (Y/N). Haruhi came by. She was wondering if you were okay. I told her you were fine, and just needed some rest. Is that alright?" (S/N) asked.
"Yeah, I'll call her later. Thank you," I said, once again hiding my emotions.
She let a sad sigh escape her lips before she left the hallway. When (S/N) had left I gradually reached for my phone which was on the bedside table, and called Haruhi. I didn't want to but I said I would. "Hello, Haruhi?"
"Yes? Is that you (Y/N)?" She asked.
"Yeah... sorry I haven't been to school these past few days," I apologized.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I tried convincing her.
"Tamaki was overreacting, as usual, and said he was going to see you at your house today," Haruhi informed.
"He said if you didn't come to school today he was going to check on you himself."
"Why didn't you stop him?!"
"I think it would be good for you. You need to talk to someone, otherwise nothing will change. If you don't confront your feelings nothing will get better, you'll be depressed and lonely for the rest of your life. And nobody wants that for you. So if you're truly sorry, stop making us worry."
"...But why Tamaki?" I tried to protest.
"He was annoying me about not being able to see his 'daughter' for a few days. And I'm busy. Bye." With that she hung up.
'What the hell?' I was stunned I didn't know what to think or say. It had been ages since someone had lectured me. That is, other than (S/N). I sighed, realizing no matter what I where to say to him, Tamaki wouldn't go away. I decided to change out of my pajamas. And they were so comfy too! Anyway... after I got dressed I went downstairs to wait for Milord. 'Wait did I just say 'Milord'? Where did I pick that up from?' A knock on the door dragged me out of my thoughts. 'I bet that's him' I opened the door to see no other than the king of the Host Club. He looked kind of... sad? I most currently did NOT understand. He then asked me with a low and sorrowful voice, "(Y/N), what happened between you and Kaoru?"
Author's note Kinda important: this fanfic is going to end soon. This is not because I don't have any ideas or I'm just being lazy. (Mostly anyway) I've been planning to end this for some time now. Do you guys have anything you want to happen? I have the basics of the rest planned out, but I still need to fill up the middle. You need to tell me now, otherwise the next few chapters are going to be 500 words long instead of 1000. If you have something, anything, let me know now so I can fit it in. Come on people I'm dying here. I hope you enjoy the next few chapters. ( ' ' )
Question: can you speak in another language?

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