Extra 1 - My Stupid Reasoning (Sabo POV)

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A/N: For those who do not know me, since I am fairly new here, I'm a pretty depressing person, so my stories can get very depressing too. I don't know about this one, but... Basically, when I am well, I write/draw sad things, then when I'm actually sad, I make sadder things. So, just a notice.

Also, this chapter has some sexual stuff. It states that this fic has mature content, but... for those who didn't see that, now you know. Unless you didn't read this.

Also, cursing. Not a whole lot, but more than previous chapters...

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When I saw him, I already felt like my days would get better. He reminded me of myself so much. Though a bit different, that was what made him so interesting. He seemed so kind in a way to me. Yes, he hated on the little flowers I tended, but I could say nothing. I did the same when I was at his age. Weak... is what I stated flowers were as well. I did not know how strong the tiniest ones were. They are so strong and determined to grow, yet humans... I, am here, thinking that letting this man have his way with me, will take my mind off another.

I laid, stomach down, on the luxurious bed and stared at the fancy back railing of the bed. Why did I think this was a good idea, I wondered. I let out a sigh and pushed myself up, grumbling at my sore body. Looking over to the pack of cigarettes on the bedside table, I scooted myself over to it and slipped one out of the box. "I wonder how many of these I used before I stopped," I mumbled before just tossing it onto the ground. I flopped myself back onto the bed and sighed.

Ace, was the boy's name. I scoffed, "boy, hm... Shit, I feel weird calling him that..." But to call him a man wasn't exactly right either. He was still in high school. If he had told me his grade and age, I forgot. He was friends with that pink-haired boy who looked like he was in... 9th grade. "Does that mean he's around 15 years old? What the hell," I grunted before rolling onto my stomach again.

I winced, then looked back quickly at my behind. "That bastard- Fucker didn't even," I hissed before sighing again. What did I expect really? I pushed myself up carefully again and tried to head to the bathroom, which was quite far since the room was so damn large. "Never can get used to this rich life, can I," I asked myself before getting to the bathroom.

The water turned on warm, like someone else had just used it, except that, no one had used it in a while. The shower was separate from the large tub and it was some mist shower. I didn't know how the hell I would clean myself out with mist, so I went for the tub. The water filled the tub slowly and I quickly got in once it was full. A soft breath left my lips as I felt the warm water engulf me.

After sitting there for some while, I started to clean myself of the filth the guy left in me. "I thought I told him not to do that... but when you're passed out, you don't know what the hell happens, hm," I spoke to myself. As I saw the filth dirty the waters, I quickly cupped my hands beneath it and shoved the water out, since who the hell would want that shit in the tub when they're washing? Then I just watched the water wet the whole bathroom floor from the tub quietly. The bathroom floor had a drain, but I somewhat flooded it a bit much for the single drain. It may have went out the door a bit and onto the carpet.

"Serves him right," I said before realizing that it wasn't going to be him cleaning it, but the poor maids. I sat in the tub, hands on the edge and staring at the water, reflecting about my actions. "Sorry," I mumbled eventually and suck myself into the water. Under the water, I opened my eyes and stared at the blurry sight of the lights shining through the ripples of the water from where I went under.

If I stayed like this long enough, I could die. When I die, I won't have to live. No shit, Sabo... My lungs started to hurt as I kept myself under. Suddenly, I shot out from under and gasped for air, coughing harshly as I did. I panted and coughed as I stared at the disturbed waters surrounding me. Uneasy laughs soon came from me. I covered my face with my soaked and scarred hands. My eyes took their look at the scars that stretched across my palms and fingers. Each was a reminder to me of what I had done and what I could not do. Slowly, but eventually, I lowered my hands back into the water and watched the red disperse. My lips stung and tasted of metal when I ran my tongue over them. "Why... did you let me live," I asked... someone.

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