Chapter 18

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Camila woke up with her neck aching, but that was pretty much routine by now. Usually she would get up, stay with Lauren for a while and head for the cafeteria. But today wasn't an usual day, and the routine was broken when she was greeted by a soft voice, reaching her ears from across the room as she groaned and massaged her neck.

The gentle, "Good morning," Lauren let out made Camila's heart flutter in both startlement and affection, and she rid her face of her pain inflicted frown to smile at her girlfriend.

"Morning." Camila rasped, raising her legs off the chair's arm and turning her body into a regular sitting position.

Having slept there so many nights, Camila had found the most comfortable position to be using the chair's armrests as support for her back and legs, while the side of her head rested where her back was supposed to be. And still, the position wasn't all that comfortable, so neck pains? Check.

(One night at home hadn't been able to undo all the damage, and Shawn would still have to hear her complaining for some time.)

"How are you feeling?" Camila asked quietly as she stood up, an almost shyness in her actions. As if this was too good to be true, and she could ruin it if she wasn't careful.

Of course, she had talked to Lauren and even kissed her the previous day, but even then it had felt surreal. Her girlfriend's high state hadn't helped, but now she seemed to be more sober and aware, and everything felt more serious. The moment, the atmosphere, the room. The air carried a heaviness that hadn't been there in the lightness she had felt upon Lauren's awakening.

And even so, Camila couldn't be happier to see her beautiful face, smiling softly and lovingly up at her as she moved closer to her bed.

"I'm okay. Nurse Gutman came b- by when I woke up and I already ate and took my meds." Lauren said nonchalantly, turning her gaze a little to the right as she started curling a strand of Camila's hair around her finger, letting it slide between her thumb and index finger until she got to its tip. Camila watched as Lauren touched her hair with care and gentleness, and she dared think that the look in her eyes as she focused on her brown locks was one of reverence. Camila held her breath as Lauren turned back to her, green meeting brown and touching something inside of her that left a lump in her throat. "I m- missed you."

Camila let out the air in a breathy, almost teary chuckle, getting closer, in a way that her body was almost touching Lauren's seated one. She reached her hand out hesitantly, as afraid to hurt Lauren as she had been when her girlfriend had first gotten there and Camila had had no idea if she could even touch her.

And maybe Lauren sensed her fear, since she raised her own hand to take hold of Camila's, bringing it to her lips and kissing her palm softly as her hand slid to her wrist. Camila smiled, moving her own to cup Lauren's cheek and caressing it with her thumb, feeling more secure now.

"I missed you too, princess." Camila said, her voice cracking on the last bit. She almost groaned at herself for being so emotional, especially since everything was okay now. "God, I'm so emo today." She let out a breathy chuckle.

Lauren laughed quietly herself, smiling lovingly at Camila. "If I slept on that c- chair I'd be emo too."

Camila felt herself relaxing as a giggle left her lips. She stepped even closer. "I'm used to it by now, don't worry."

Lauren furrowed her brows. "What- what do you mean?"

Camila just shrugged before leaning against Lauren's bed. The green eyed girl was still frowning, but she took a second to move closer to the railing. Camila's hand fell from her cheek in the process.

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