Chapter 4

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The club was completely packed when they showed up. "There's so many people here." Mackenzie sighed as she looked around for Sarah.

"Yeah, it's the biggest club in Manhattan." Bryana smiled and pulled Mackenzie to the bar stools. "Is your friend here yet?"

"I don't know. I don't know where my phone is to text her. I'll find her eventually." She shrugged and looked at the bartender. "Can I get a rum and coke please?"

"I'll have a strawberry mojito," Bryana added. The bartender nodded and began making the drinks. "Oh, we don't have to pay. Ashton says drinks are on him for us tonight."

"No, I should pay for my own." Mackenzie reasoned, looking at Bryana.

"The boys have enough money to buy you a couple drinks, Mackenzie. It's fine." Bryana giggled and looked up as Sarah found them.

"Mackenzie!" She yelled, running to Mackenzie and hugging her tightly. "I was so worried about you. I had no idea what happened to you that night and you weren't answering your phone. Tell me what happened!" Mackenzie gave the basic story to her, refraining from mentioning the cuts they had given her. Bryana was skilled when doing her makeup to cover them up so they weren't visible unless you were super close to them.

"I'm okay though, they didn't hurt me too badly." Mackenzie smiled and hugged Sarah tightly. "What do you want to drink?"

"I'll just stick with water for now. I want to stay sober tonight, I have a big exam tomorrow." Sarah sighed and leaned against the bar with Bryana and Mackenzie.

"You'll do great. You always do." Mackenzie giggled. "Sarah, this is Bryana. She's Luke's best friend's ex. Bry, this is Sarah, my old roommate from school."

"You're Sarah? I've heard so much about you." Bryana smiled and took a sip of her drink, giving her a side hug. "Come on, let's dance." She smiled and set her drink down, grabbing Mackenzie and Sarah's hands. She leads them out to the dance floor and swayed her hips to the beat of the song blaring throughout the club."Oh, my God." Bryana gasped after a half an hour of dancing. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth, Mackenzie turned and saw Calum, Ashton and Michael followed by Luke and John entered the club from the side, blood splattered on their clothes and skin.

"Luke!" Mackenzie yelled forgetting everything, running through the packed club over to him. "What the hell happened to you?" She widened her eyes and reached up to cup his cheeks, turning him to look at her.

"I'm fine, Mackenzie. Don't worry about me." Luke sighed, and pushed her hands down. "It's nothing. Don't cause a scene," he muttered. As he pulled her into his office, so she could make a scene with no one seeing it.

"Luke, you're all covered in blood." Mackenzie reasoned, looking up at him. "You expect me not to be concerned?"

"It's not my blood. I'm okay, just go outside with the girls and get some air, take a deep breath. We'll talk to you once I've changed and gotten cleaned up, okay?" Luke held her hand gently and pressed his lips to her forehead. He let go of her and watched as she walked out of his office.

"Come on, Mackenzie. Let's go get some air." Sarah grabbed her hand  as she walked out of his office and pulled her out of the club and into the alley. Mackenzie shivered as her skin was exposed to the chilly New York air.

"I can't believe he thinks nothing of it. He's fucking covered in blood and he's acting like it happens every day." Mackenzie blew out an exasperated breath leaning against the wall.

"That's because it does." Goosebumps formed on Mackenzie's skin as she heard the familiar deep raspy voice. She never wanted to hear that voice again. "Luke isn't the strongest when it comes to fighting, you know." Mackenzie turned to face Romeo and swallowed hard when she noticed his beaten up stature, leaning on the other side of the alleyway. "Hello, my dear Sarah, so nice to see you again," Romeo smirked at Sarah.

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