Chapter 5

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Luke had been thinking for a while now, just laying in his bed, thinking. His thoughts mostly consisted of Mackenzie. Many thoughts were memories of their years together as well as their years apart. He missed her so much, he almost didn't know if he could handle it. His mind was racing with thoughts on how to get her back, but none of them seemed to be useful. "I'm never getting her back.." He mumbled, looking at the picture of her he had set as his lockscreen. She was sitting on his lap at the club laughing. In the real picture, she was sitting with Bryana but he had zoomed it in so she took up his lockscreen space.

"Are you talking to yourself again?" Ashton asked as he walked past Luke's room.

"No," he defended before sighing, "yes. I'm just thinking about Mackenzie and how in the hell I'm supposed to get her back. Maybe I should give up.."

"If you give up now, then you really will never get her back." Ashton said and walked into Luke's room. He sat down on the bed with Luke and looked at him. "What are your ideas so far?"

"I've got a few." Luke pulled out his journal and flipped to the very end. He had a list of ideas on getting Mackenzie back. He gave the journal to Ashton and Ashton chewed on his lip as he read them.

"'Wreck her like I used to.' Luke, that's a terrible idea." Ashton laughed and read down the list. "'Romantic dinner. Take her to the carnival. Go down on her for an hour.'" Ashton gave Luke a look and a dark blush crept onto Luke's cheeks.

"She comes the hardest when I use my mouth." He smirked to himself and pulled his knees to his chest.

"I did not need to know that." Ashton covered his face and laughed. "These are some pretty okay ideas for, like, dates maybe. If you want to get her back you have to tell her how you feel about her. Really feel. Not just saying you love her. You have to list the reasons you'd want to be with her and the reasons you love her. Show her you love her in different ways"

"You know how bad I am at telling people how I feel about them." Luke sighed and rested his chin on his knees.

"Practice on me. Tell me how you feel about her." Ashton suggested. "I'm all ears."

"Are you sure you want to hear it? Don't get horny on me," Luke joked, looking up at him.

"Gross, Luke." Ashton laughed and hit him with a pillow. "Keep that stuff out when you tell her."

"That's the most important part, though." Luke laughed and took his journal back.

"I'm being serious, Luke. Pretend I'm Mackenzie. Tell me how you feel." Ashton prodded, turning his body to face Luke.

"I just love her a lot, Ashton. What else do I say?" Luke sighed.

"Why do you love her?" Ashton kept pushing him to express his feelings. "What about her do you love?"

"I love the way she puts her hair up when she's getting really into her work. I love when she sticks her tongue out when she concentrates. I love the way she eats soup everyday just because she loves it. I love how emotional she gets when she's on her period. I love her eyes. I love her smile. I love the way she looks at stupid people. I love the way she makes it feel like I'm the only person in the room." Luke rambled, looking at the blankets on the bed.

"What else?"

"I love the way she blasts music in the car. I love the way she sings so off key on purpose, even though she has a beautiful voice. I love the way she can quote Sky High from memory. I love that she's not afraid to tell me no. I love that she knows I'll never love anyone as much as I love her." Luke whispered the last one.

"These are the things you need to tell her, Luke. You can't just pretend you don't love them." Ashton sighed and looked at Luke.

"I'm not done, don't interrupt." Luke warned, glaring at Ashton. "I love the way she takes really hot showers even if it's 100 degrees outside. I love that she sleeps all the way on the left side of the bed, even though it's a king sized bed." Luke laughed to himself at the thought. "Of all the room on the bed, she sleeps with half of her body hanging off the bed." He grinned. "I love that she's so effortlessly beautiful."

"Tell me something that you love about her that you don't want her to know." Ashton said, looking at Luke.

"I love when I come in with cuts and bruises and she's already there waiting for me so she can clean me up." Luke whispered, remembering the night he left her and the things he said to her. "I love that she cares about me no matter what, even though I treat her like complete and utter shit sometimes."

"Luke, you have to tell her these things. These are the things that will win her back." Ashton grabbed Luke's face dramatically and looked him in the eye. "These are the things that she wants to hear."

"What about 'I love the way you feel around my cock when you come'?" Luke smirked at Ashton's disgusted facial expression. Ripping his hands off his face.

"You're so gross." Ashton rolled his eyes and laughed softly.

"I have so many more of those. Get ready, because I'm gonna say them." Luke laughed and grabbed Ashton's belt loop as he tried to get up. "I love the way she holds her head down with her mouth around my cock. I love the way she squeezes my balls when I get close. I love the way she moans around me when I fuck her mouth." Luke laughed and Ashton kept fighting to get out of the room.

"I don't need to know these things! I don't tell you about how great the sex Bryana and I have is." Ashton laughed.

"Wait, you and Bryana still fuck?" Luke gasped, looking up at the older boy.

"Practically everyday. That's part of the reason we agreed to still be friends after we broke up." Ashton shrugged. "I think her body is a masterpiece and I want to destroy it."

"That's how I feel about Mackenzie!" Luke laughed. "You're just as nasty as I am."

"You're kinkier, which makes you nastier." Ashton stuck his tongue out at Luke.

"You're the one with a daddy kink." Luke smirked.

"Dammit, Bryana." Ashton huffed. "Did she tell all of you?"

"She didn't have to tell us, she called you daddy every time you fucked her when you were dating. You two aren't quiet." Luke laughed.

"Yeah, well, neither are you and Mackenzie." Ashton laughed, pulling Luke's fingers off of his belt loop. "Now, you have to tell Mackenzie."

"Tell me what?" Mackenzie asked with her mouth full as she walked past Luke's room, eating oatmeal.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Luke sighed. He looked at Ashton and silently pleaded him not to say anything. Ashton sighed and looked at Luke. She nodded and kept walking.

"If you don't, I will." Ashton turned and walked out of the room, going down to the kitchen behind Mackenzie.

"Where were you?" Bryana asked, looking up from her phone as he walked in.

"Talking to Luke. He spilled his guts about his feelings for Mackenzie, but he won't tell her any of it in person." Ashton sighed. "He just wants to bottle it up."

"Give him time, baby." Bryana sighed, wrapping her arms around Ashton's neck. "He'll tell her someday, we just have to be there for both of them when it happens."

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