Chapter 21

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Luke had been gone a 3 weeks before he returned to the mansion. He walked in, just as he would any other day. "Luke, where the hell have you been?!" Calum yelled, standing up from his spot on the couch.

"I just needed to think." Luke rolled his eyes and hung up his jacket. "Where's Mackenzie?"

"She's asleep, Luke. It's 4am." Calum scoffed and crossed his arms. "Was it so hard to tell us where you've been?"

"I was at the hotel, Cal. Where I always am when I don't come home." Luke rolled his eyes once. "I need to think about some stuff," he said and walked up the stairs to his room. He turned the light on and a frown formed on his face. Everything of Mackenzie's was gone from his room. He shook his head and sat on his bed. "Fuck," he thought. "I messed everything up more." He sighed and pulled his phone from his pocket and began scrolling through his social media, seeing if there was anything about Kenzie. He looked up when Mackenzie's door opened. She didn't look back at him, she just jogged down the hall to the bathroom. She knelt in front of the toilet emptied the contents of her stomach. "Mackenzie." Luke sighed and ran to the bathroom. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, go away." She sighed and hurled once more. Luke gently pulled her hair back from her face, but she swatted his hands away. "Leave me alone, Luke."

"Mackenzie, what are you talking about?" Luke sighed, kneeling next to her.

"Luke, you need to go." She coughed slightly and wiped her mouth.

"Mac, you're throwing up and I just want to help you. I want to be here for you." Luke looked at her and sighed.

"I don't need you here, Luke! Why can't you just accept that?" She rolled her eyes and stood up, flushing the toilet.

"Because, I love you, Mackenzie! I want to be here for you!" Luke yelled, throwing his hands up in defeat.

"Well," Mackenzie paused for a minute, taking a deep breath. "I don't love you. Why can't you just leave me alone?" The air seemed to have been knocked from Luke's chest. "I don't want your help and I want you to leave." Tears pricked Luke's eyes as he stood up.

"Mackenzie.." Luke's voice cracked, as the tears threatened to spill. She turned his words against him.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I just can't do this anymore. You left me once and I forgave you. But now, you left again and gave me no warning. You hurt me more, Luke." She shook her head and walked out of the bathroom. Her body was shaking as she walked towards her car, sitting for a minute trying to calm herself down before she sped off to Bryana's. Luke finally let the tears fall, a sob wracking through his body. He screamed and punched the mirror, the glass shattering. Ashton walked into the bathroom and sighed.

"Luke, you can't act like this." He rolled his eyes and took Luke's hand, pulling the shard of glass out of it. He wrapped a bandage around his hand and crossed his arms.

"She fucking left me, Ashton. She said the exact thing I said to her when I left." Luke said rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, well, you kind of deserved it. You've been acting like a real asshole lately. You left for 3 weeks while she was pregnant. You can't just fucking leave like that! She needed you, and you were gone! We all didn't know where you were, man. You scared us, too." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I know! I'm a fuck up, I know!" Luke yelled and walked back to his room, slamming his door behind him.

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