Chapter: 1

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-Jin's Pov-

(I slowly awake from my slumber,  when I see a black sihlouette in front of me)

Me- "AHHHH!!!!! Please don't kill me
i'm too young to die."

Namjoon (Rap Monster)- "Jin, chill it's just me, Namjoon."

Me- "You scared the hell out of me ."

(Namjoon starts to laugh,
I start cursing in Korean,
Namjoon stops laughing)

Namjoon- "You have to make breakfast, since youre the CHEF in the dorm."

Me- "You can't even chop an onion" I say while chuckling.

(Namjoon rolls his eyes and walks out of the room)

-20 minutes later-

(Jimin,  Taehyung, Namjoon, Jungkook, Suga, and J-Hope)

Jimin- "What's for breakfast?"

Me- "Scrambled eggs."

Jungkook- "We have it everyday!!"

Namjoon- "Fine Kookie, you can have dog treats every morning, is that better?"

(Jungkook rolls his eyes, I secretly smile at Namjoon , who smirks at me)

-Awkward Silence As They Ate-

Taehyung- "Well...we should head to the studio."

J-Hope- "Yup!!"

Jimin- "I'll drive!!!!" Jimin screamed from the bathroom

Me- "When did you leave?"

Jimin- "A man has to do what a man has to do."

- At the BigHit studio-

-Namjoon's Pov-

(On my way inside ,a girl winked at me and smiled , I turned around and saw Jin give her a death stare , when he saw me looking he immediately turned his head around)

Me- (What was that all about?)

-Jin's Pov-

( GAHHHH!!! He saw me do that. What do I do?I tried to avoid him the whole time when we went on break,  but he kept trying to talk to me, but I always ignored him)

Me-" Am I making a bad choice?"

Namjoon- "A bad choice about what?" He asked be hind me

(I turned around and he's two inches away from my face)

Jin- "Er..nothing."

Namjoon (shrugs)- "I grab my...jacket."

( He reaches over me to grab his jacket , remind you that he was only 2 inches away,  now our body's were touching)

(I start to blush which is unlike ,  what's going on. First, I start smiling when I'm around him,  getting jeolous and now blushing.)

-He backs up-

Namjoon- "Let's go."

Jin- "Where?"

Namjoon- "....home...."

Jin- "Ah...yes." I feel so stupid.

-We arrive home-

(Once I enter the house ,  I run straight up to my room to lay down ,  when someone knocks on my door.)


-The door creaks open-

(My eyes shoot at the door,  to see Suga)

Suga-" I'm not cooking ,I'm tired

Me- "What do you want?"

Suga- "The others are arguing over who get's to use the toilet. ALL THEY TALK ABOUT ARE TOILETS!!!!"

Me- "Why did you come here and not your room?"

Suga- "Oh yeah....I wanted to talk to you."

Me- "Ok...."

Suga- "Your not yourself is today ever since you came down this morning. Is something going on between you and Namjoon."

(You do an awkward laugh but not too awkward)

Me- "No,  why?"

Suga- " you act awkward around Namjoon, are you guys dating?

Me- "NO, GET OUT SUGA!!!!"

(Suga walks out of my room)

Me- "GAHHHHHH!!!!!"

( Knock Knock)


(The door creaks open and reveals....Namjoon)

Me- "What do you wa-"

(Namjoon cuts me off by pressing his lips against mine)

Me- "Wh..." I said between kisses.

Namjoon- "Tell me is something wrong?" He aaked while backing away.

Me- "First,  tell me what the hell was that?"

(Namjoon answered with silence)


Namjoon- "you've been avoiding me all day,  what did I do?"

(You turn around and face the window,  you hear Namjoon coming up behind you)

Namjoon- "I'm sorry."

(He wraps a hand around your waist and turned you around to face him)

(He starts kissing your neck,  but you push him away by force)

Me- "STOP!!!!"

Namjoon- "Your throwing mix signala here!!"


(Namjoon doesn't flinch)

Namjoon- "I'm not leaving." He says while smirking

(You move towards Namjoon to push him but, he still doesn't move)

Namjoon- " Wow!! For a 24 year old you sure are weak."

Me- "GAHHH!!!"

Namjoon- "Your so cute when your mad."

(You sink down to the floor)

(Namjoon sinks down to the floor next to you)

(He wraps his arm around you and you rest his head on his shoulder)

Me- "Promise me one thing" You look up at him.

Namjoon- " Ok, let's hear it."

Me- "Promise me you won't leave me,  because you know your my best friend. Promise?"

(Namjoon leans in and kisses you)

Namjoon- "Does that answer your question?"

Someone- "AHHHHH!!!!"

(You both look at the door to see Taehyung in pure shock.)

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