Running from this nightmare

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(Your P.O.V)

"RUUUUUNN!!!"  We scream...

That thing was after us, so we kept running and running. After what seem like eternity and feeling like everthing was going slow motion, we get to a fence and jumped over it and screaming for someone to help us!!!

We're screaming to the rest of the crew "GET OUT!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!! GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!!"

We hear through the walkies, which finally decided to work, that the other guys are all screaming their heads off and we see them come out of the building and towards us, with petrified expressions. All I hear Zak say or rather scream, "The hell is going on!!?? Get out, get out!! Fuck, fuck, fuck!!! AARON!!! (Y/N)!!" If it wasn't for the situation we were all in, I swear I would have laughed my ass off at how Zak came out of that building, along with Jay and Billy.

The thing for some reason stopped at the fence it stayed there as if it couldn't come through any further or was just trying to scare us away from its turf!!!! As it stopped there and we're trying to get away, we all hear it growling and screaming like it was in pain or angry that it didn't get to us!! It was screeching, loud and horrible sounds were coming from it.

We finally come to a stop and try to catch our breaths. We then go and get in the car and drive the hell away from there, we were all just in total shock and freaked, the ride back to our hotel was completely silent. As we arrived, we all just give this look to each other and stayed silent, understanding that we needed to clear our minds and get as much rest as possible, of course if sleep would even reach us. We then go to our rooms and decided it was best to discuss the matter the next morning.

(Time skip to the next morning)

Morning finally arrived and we all gathered in one of the rooms and we were still very silent. We didn't know where to start or what to do or what to think. We ALL looked like crap that morning, you can obviously tell we all had nightmares and had no sleep what so ever. "Ok, so what the hell happened back there last night??" Zak started.

(Aaron's P.O.V.)

Aaron: "I don't know man, (y/n) and I were out there and some crazy shit just started happening. All the animals out there were going crazy, we kept hearing loud noises like growling or screeching or something I don't know man, but I know that was NO freaken animal doing that shit.

Then I felt this ominous  presence, and I started walking towards this voice I heard and next thing you know I got lost, I couldn't find (y/n) anywhere, I tried looking for her, but it was like something was preventing me from finding her... my whole equipment went crazy and suddenly it all just stopped working. Dude, and I know we put brand new batteries in these things so it couldn't have been that.

Man, I don't even remember how the hell I ended up back where we started"......

To be continued......

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