Don't Sleep

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Nate POV

I choked. Wha? How?

"Aryn?" My voice cracked. She looked up at me with pleading eyes. Full of pain, confusion, hopelessness.

"Please, Nate. I know this is a lot to dump on you but can you please take me to the hospital. I'm not sure how it happened but I have to see me brother. It's his birthday!" She begged. Right. She's not going to remember this tomorrow. Shit. I grabbed her hand and pulled her but she wouldn't move.

"Come on Aryn. " She looked possessed with fear and denial this was happening. I guess it was smart from keeping this huge secret from her all her life. I grabbed her and carried her out bridal style to my car. Lightly placing her down and buckling the seat belt. I sprinted to the other side of the car and hopped in. The engine blared with life and we were off down the road.

Have you ever gotten that feeling where you are trying to get somewhere fast but it feels like everyone around you are being slow to annoy you. I felt it and I was exploding.

"Get off the fuckin road grandma! If you aren't gonna use the foot to pump the gas, might as well cut it off!" HONK HONK "Come on! If I wanted to go slow I would have crawled to the hospital myself!" I received 3 dirty looks from teenagers, hurtful words back, and 5 flip off one consisting of an old lady on a breathalyzer.

We finally arrived in what felt like forever.

"I'm sorry Aryn, what was that like an hour?" I apologized while leaving the car and locking the doors.

"6 minutes. " She laughed while doing the same. Finally that smile.

We rushed into the hospital and Aryn immediately started sprinting down the hall.

"Um Aryn? Shouldn't we ask the lady at the front desk where Carson is?"

"No time! Gotta find him!" She huffed. I laughed at the irony in the sentence. She continued going door to door smooching her face on the small rectangular window provided. She repeated until she ripped out the door and stormed in.

"CARSON!" I heard her yell. I jogged up and walked in as well. Carson was in a bed with a huge bandage with blood around him arm. Thank god he isn't dead. He smile faded fast when he saw me.

"Aryn. " He said through a tightened face. "Who's your friend?" Aryn looked scared.

"Oh. " Then an older man looked over and looked concerned even more.

"Yeah, Aryn. Who's the friend. A boyfriend?" He questioned as he started advancing. I'm guessing this guy is her father. He got real close to my face and I could smell coffee reeking from his breath. Who drinks coffee at 9?

"What do you want with my daughter huh? Do you have a job? I don't like you. Pull up your pants." What? awkward....

"Dad. Leave him alone. I saved him today. " she giggled. "Now on to a more serious matter, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CARSON, DAD!"

"Aryn! Language!" He responded.

"Sorry. " she said timidly. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CARSON, FATHER! " I couldn't help cracking up. I tried swallowing my laughter to not seem rude. Her dad seemed to get angry again but let it go under the circumstances currently happening.

"I can explain. " Carson said. "I was walking to the market with my wi... Girlfriend. " Good cover. "Shes here but I think she left for the bathroom. Anyway. We were in line for check out when the guy jumped in shot the cashier and grabbed money, but when he was leaving he yelled at us and the next thing I could remember was being in serious amounts of pain."

"Oh my god! Carson!! That's crazy intense. " Aryn yelled.

"Hyeah. No shit." His voice was shaken but still quite calm. I'd probably be flipping out. "It was a guy wrenching feeling to be point blank away from a gun. It's not a good feeling. " He said looking at the floor. The door clicked and I assumed it was the doctor or nurse here to tell us what to do next. Instead Carson smiled brightly and I finally gave into looking myself. The girl was gorgeous. 5'9"? She was pretty tall. Her brown hair flowing to her shoulders. She was wearing skinny jeans, a multicolored tank top, and some flats. She held in her hand coffee and her phone. Wait.

"Kathryn?" I shouted rather louder than hoped. She glanced over. Oh hot damn she's hot.

"Oh hey Nate. " She said casually taking a sip of her coffee like it was no big deal.

"What are you doing here?"

"My lovee was shot! What are you do here. " She said harshly. "I'm sorry I'm having trouble coping what just happened going through a weird moody denial right now. " She added sheepishly. Woah. Kathryn and Carson. Carson and Kathryn. fuck. She's not available..... Wait no. Aryn. Grr

"I brought Aryn here. "

"Small world. " she smirked. The door clicked again and I prayed for no more drama. The looked over and, to my relief, the doctor walked in.

"So Carson. Your surgery to remove the bullet went exceptional, but you wont be able to go home tonight. The medicine we gave you may give you side effects so your gonna have to stay. Your father can stay but I'm afraid everyone else is going to have to leave." My heart sunk. They cant possibly expect Aryn to leave her brother do they? I look at her. She looked broken and torn. I could see her pushing down her pride and nodding obediently.

"Ok. " she croaked. "Nate can you drive me home?"

"Yea. Sure. "

"Bye everyone. " she walked over to Carson kissing him on the head and the same to her dad. "My two favorite guys. " she laughed. We walked away in silence passing like 14 doors. We walked to the car as she got in without any words.


"Yeah, Aryn. "

"This is a weird question. "

"Go ahead. "

"No. You'll think Im weak. "

"I don't think your weak. I witnessed you beating up a robber. You looked incredibly strong in the hospital room, too. I don't see you as anything but brave. " I said.

"Can you not leave me along tonight at my house? I feel so alone and helpless."

"Yeah. Yeah definitely! " I encouraged. We came to her house and she walked upstairs like I wasn't even there. She walked in thought looking like she was in a trance. She entered her room and without closing the door behind her, started stripping. I resisted the urge to look and turned away. She told me she was done and climbs into her bed. Before lying she opened her arms waiting for a hug.

"Can you lie with me?" I nodded and sat beside her. She laid her head on my chest and embraced me completely. I enjoyed sitting in the darkness with her just in silence. I appreciated her company and loved how she was like a little kid.

"Thank you Nate you don't know how much this means to me. " I heard her mumble.

"Go to sleep. Nighty night Aryn. " I whispered kissing her forehead. I heard her light snoring and sat for a little longer. I couldn't sleep now. She would wake up and think Im totally stranger. I hated this feeling. It was eating me up. She wouldn't remember me. Not today. She wouldn't love me the same way she loved me now. My eyes felt droopy. No Nate. Don't sleep. Don't sleep. Don't

OoooP CLIFF HANGER MWHAHA! So kinda lame chapter but just wanted to post one. I know I should probably should wait longer to post this but Gibbs was egging me on who shot Carson, so I felt nice. Oo Kathryn in this one hoped you like it TEAM NATE! Have a nice weekend!

Vote comment and all that jazz!



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