Chapter One: Me + Blake + Chemistry = Nothing But Trouble

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Chapter One:Me + Blake + Chemistry = Nothing But Trouble

"Raven!" Conner yelled "Get your ass up I don't want to have mom call and ask why you missed school again!"

I sighed stuffing my head under my pillow. Why can't he just let me sleep I dont need a education how many times do I have to explain that! Why in the hell do I have to learn about stuff like History I mean there all dead anyway get over it! Math hell the make calculators! English I speak it everyday! And all the other school things WHO GIVES A FUCK ANYWAY!

"Raven you got to the count of three before I come in there and drag you to school in you skull pajamas!" he threatened.

Yah right hes terrified to come in my room hes scared I have dead bodies laying around.


He's counting! Its a miracle I was getting worried I thought he couldn't even count to One but he did God bless a America!


He made it to Two! Holy Chicken Nuggets!


"FOUR!" I Screamed.

"Raven get up!" he demand

"I didn't hear the magic words!" I tell him.


"Thats not it but close anuff!" I said rolling out of bed literally tump Damn that floors hard.

I got up and ran to the bathroom okay maybe that was a little over dramatic I Zombie walked to the bathroom.

"AHHH" I screamed at my reflection.

"What find the mirror!" Conner asked from the hall.

"Actually yes I did" I hear him laugh as I brush my long black hair.

Then got into the shower yes I brush my hair before I shower got a problem? After I was do I changed into black ripped skinny jeans a band tshirt and my black jacket. My makeup consistent of eyeliner, mascara, black eye shadow and black lipstick. Yes I love black my favorite color!

I slipped on my combat boats and grabbed my shoulder bag before going downstairs. Conner sat at the table eating cereal from the box . I shook my head as he tipped his head back and let the food pour in his mouth.

"You look wierd" he tells me mouth full of food ew gross!

"Whats new?" I said putting my earbuds in my ears and listen to 'Knifes and Pens' By Black Veil brides.

I walked out off my house to my car guess what color it just kidding its black I hate pink! Stupid Barbies wears pink blah!

School was only 10 minutes away so I was there in no time I parked near the back because most of the preps parked up front and I didnt want them around Axel yes my cars a guy and I do name my things its not weird at all.

Keeping my head down and walk up to school.The hallways went quiet as I walked by besides for some whispers and snickers.I made my way to my locker everyone knows it was mine because it usually had papers stuck to it that read 'Emo Freak' 'Vampire Girl' ect.

I sighed pulling them off and through them in the nearest recycling bin. You would think people would have better things to do besides trash my locker and they say I have no life. After I got everything I need I went to my first class Chemistry!

Slowly I made my way to class I wasnt looking forward to there were two reasons for that 1.I hate school 2.My rival Blake Walker sat next to me. He was in every class with me but this was the only one he sat next to me.

Just so you know Me , Blake and chemicals don't mix well. It dont take a rocket scientists to release that.Once I was in my seat I pulled my hud up and turned up the song I was listening to.I watched as the class filled up as the bell ring I let out of a sigh of relief he wasn't here maybe he decided to skip but I spoke to soon.

Blake walked in the class room and winked at a blond barbie who giggled. I rolled my eyes Blake was the bad boy and the hottest guy in school.Even I had to admit it he was with is silky black hair and violet colored eyes.

"Mr . Walker late again I see" Our teacher Mr . Evan said.

"Yah yah just give me my detention and we can all save the long lecture for someone who cares" Black tells him with a smirk.

Mr.Evans passed him a detention slip alread filled out. Every teacher was prepared when it came to Blake Walker. Blake took his seat next to me after stuffing the detention in his bag right the other ones.

"Alright class to day we will be..." Mr. Evans explained what we were doing but I couldn't concentrate because because a certain Bad boy wouldn't stop saying my name.

"Raven" Blake whispered.

I ignored him and turned the volume up so the song could block out his damn voice. When he relised I wasn't listening he started to poke me. I had anger issues that he liked to test but I wouldn't let him get to me.


Calm down Raven just ignore him


Just ignore him Raven hes not worth it.

Poke Poke Poke.



Everyone in the room whent quiet and looked at me I wasn't much of a talker I barley said anything throughout the day so this was a shock to everyone even Blake but he covered it up with a smirk.

"Ms.Black you just earned yourself a after school detention!" Mr.Evans tells me.

Everyone erupted into laughter besides Blake who kep a amused expression. I glated at him but all he did was smile.

"Guess I'll be seeing you in detention" and with that he got up and walked out the door the teacher didn't even protest.

Grate I have detention with the bad boy and to top it off I did even know what the hell he wanted!

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