Chapter Eight: Cousin meet Bad Boys, Bad Boys meet More cousins?

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Chapter Eight: Cousin meet Bad Boys, Bad Boys meet More cousins?

Things you should know about my cousins. Lets start with Mist she is a stubborn, funny, and well a complete Mystery. Because of this she had earned the nickname Mystery. Then there was Karma she was sweet, always one to help, first at everything to get a job, to have a boyfriend,  even first in line.

Then her twin Rachel she was sneaky, a prankster, and one known to get Revenge. Thats why her nickname is Revenge. Finally there was the youngest Faith she was known for being quiet,  independent,  and often faded out of conversations. She was known for disappearing we often called her Fade.

These people were my family well at least the part I know alot about. I took a drink of my shake as did Mist. I had to say she was taller than my by a inch and her hair fell shorter to than mine about a little past her shoulders.

She smiled at me her perfect white teeth I told her the story about the favors I owned Blakes group and Quinns favor. She shook her head at me laughing.

"What you get yourself into?" Mist giggled, "One down six to go how are you going to survive."

"Maybe they won't be to bad," I said unsure.

"Trust me when it comes to bad boys theres no telling what will happen!" she tells me, "But don't worry I'll be right here to help!"

"Really thanks, When is the party thing?" I wondered.

"Not for about a month or two im not sure I'll have to ask Karma she'll know," she stated.

I opened my mouth to ask more questions about it but was cut off. By the most annoying, deep, dumbass voice.....also known as Blake Walkers voice yell.

"HEY!...Isn't it my favorite little freak!" He said patting my head.

I flinched at contact I grind my teeth who knew were that hand had been? Mist raised her eyebrow at me looking at Blake I then remembered she hadn't seen him in a long time.

" guys a couple or something?" Mist wondered.

I glared at my cousin who gave me a lost look. I was going to murder her after this! Be prepared my dear cousin and start planning your funeral. Then I noticed all of Blakes group behind him they looked on the verge of laughing.Blake shot the glares..

"No you remember Blake Walker?" I said, "And Blake you remember my cousin Mist?"

"Oh Mystery is that really you," Blake exclaimed,  "Its been so long!"

"Not long enough," she replied.

"You haven't changed a bit still the cold blooded bitch I see," he smirked.

"You haven't changed either you Annoying Jackass man whore," she said.

I put a hand over my mouth to keep for laughing out loud. Mist and Blake had never gotten along. Its been years since the spoke the stopped around the time Blake changed. My smile and erg to laugh disappeared at the thought.

"Kitten you okay?" Blake asked.

like you care! I wanted to scream but instead I just nodded. Stupid bad boy and his stupid nicknames.  Rolling my eyes I looked a Mist she raised her eyebrow at me I just shrugged it off. I went to take another drink of my shake when it was snached from my hand.

Blake took a drink of my shake my mouthed fell open and I groaned what was up with people steeling my food and drinks to day. GOSH! Can't a girl eat!? Mist looked on the verge of laughing. She then sat up straight clearing her throat.

"I think you might want to give my dear cousin her drink back!" She warned.

"Or what?" Blake smirked taking another drink.

Mist eyes glanced behind him and me for a moment the she smiled. A gleam in her eyes I almost felt scared.  What was she up to? But of course she was a Mystery!?

"I suggested you give Raven her shake!" she demand.


I looked at Blake in horror I knew he was in some deep and I mean deep unicorn shit! Mist sharpened her glare so sharp it could almost cut him in half....literally.

"I sure hope Karma slaps you in the face before I do," she grinded her teeth.

He laughed opened his mouth to reply but was stopped by hand slapping him across the face. I turned to see Karma, Rachel, and Faith standing there. Karma took my drink from Blake and handed it to me. I looked at it I sure wasn't going to drink it two reasons 1.)Is was pretty much almost gone 2.) Who in the hell knows were Blakes mouth has been!

"Ow!" Blake winned, "Who in the hell do you think you the fuck are!"

"Im Karma," My cousin batted her eyes, "Remember me Blake we seen each other like yesterday. you in the modeling business, What do the you model? My guess heels!"

"Karma still a Bitch I see," Blake said, "And Look isn't it Revenge!"

"Revenge is right you better watch your back Walker!" Rachel warned.

"WALKER! Were!" Faith screamed hiding behind Rachel.

"Fade! Not Walker as in zombies Walker as in Blake Walker!" Mist explained.

"Oh," Faith smiled sheepish stepping out from behind Rachel, "I thought there was a...."

And like that she fade put of thought I got up from the booth followed by Mist. Blakes group seemed confused.  I smiled at them and decided to take inductions into my own hands.

"Bad boys you met Mist aka Mystery my cousin....well bad boys meet more of my cousins," I tell them, "Karma, Rachel aka Revenge, and Faith aka Fade, Mist sisters."

"Damn Rav you got some hot cousins!" Jake exclaimed earning a kick in the leg by the one and only me.

"Well since were all here why don't we catch up?" Seth suggested.

I sucked in a breath oh no and war has been declared....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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