Here and gone ,nine moths after

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Josh's pov

Josh is a jock .

We all know what that means it means he's a hot agogant jerk who every girl falls for ...except for the one he wants the only girl josh wants and loves is Emily sweet little Emily she's perfect she's quirky and sexy she loves reading and fashion oh the outfits that girl had they were one of a kind SHE was one of a kind but she was also the kinda girl who who knew joshed type agogant pushy and couldn't get and josh new he never had a chance to get someone like Emily to notice him.

Emily's pov

Emily is a geek.

With major self esteem isuses stemming from a minor eating disorder and self harm she was abused by her last bf and doesn't trust guys Emily loves library's and books and fashion,..that's all she really really cared about anymore was fashion and losing weight she was so obsessed about losing weight . Things we're taking a turn for the worst when one day she bumped

Into josh the schools hottest guy he was everything she wanted but he would NEVER even look at so one like her she thought but little did she know things were not quiet as she expected.



* beep* * beep * beep* beep* BEEP *BEEP* I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the snooze button and sighed another day of hell over high water I swung my feet outa bed and trudged to the bathroom ( I had my own bathroom) being an only child and my mom was at work ( having no dad) I didn't have to worry bout being quiet ,I walked in to the bathroom and. Plugged in the straighter and the curler and pulled out my makeup bag and looked in the mirror a gostly pale girl with startling green eyes and chest length red long hair stared back at me I put on black eyeliner doing two perfect cat eyes and then put on some concealer under my eyes so I dint look quite so ...intimidating then straightened my hair and then put some curls in , I took one last look in the mirror and decided that was the best I could do I went to my closet and pulled on super tight light blue skinny jeans with rips in them then a loose tank top that showed off my cleavage ( not that anyone would notice me anyway) but a girl gotta try then pulled on arm warmers as to hide the slits on my wrists and then to add to the picture I added a pair of combat boots and a teal fadora then looking at my watch bolted down stairs and out the door a grabbing an apple on the way as I was walking to school I herd a. Car coming so i looked up as they drove by to see who it was , was josh and his groupe as they drove bye he looked me in the eye and I felt a spark go of inside me like fireworks he was soooooooo gorgeous but his type were players and I don't need one of those I told myself but my heart was telling something different .


As we were driving to school I saw her walking and my heart felt like I would break out of my chest she was so beatiful ....although she looked lie, she was losing weight ...I wiped this thought from my mind she's fine i told my self but she looked at me and I felt ...a connection almost I feel crazy saying it but that's what I felt and that outfit...we'll I can certainly say it was a turn on ..everything thing bout her is a turn on actually I told myself I smiled as I rembered her cat eye ,eyeliner to day she just looked fantastic I wanted her to look at me and tell me she felt this way to but I knew that would never happen .


When I got there I looked around it as the bustle of the first day back greet ur friends I looked around for Elana she was my best fried we were super close we've Beene fiends since we were 6 so for 11 years I spotted her and her bf jake standing bye the pond jake was friends with josh so low and behold standing there next to jake and Elana was josh I sighed and puta. Smile on and walked over Elana jumbled up and gave me the biggest hug ever and then looked at my outfit she took in my weight loss and arm warmers and said we'd talk later I smiled and said ok and u look Great I added as I admired her outfit and perfect body she smiled and said I learned my fashion from the best that made me laugh and then jake wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck she laughed and kissed him back jake looked at me and said a simple hi and josh said a hey and then added I love that fadora by the way :) I blushed and mumbled a thanks. Elana winked at me when he wasn't looking she knew I was crushing on him I smiled and mouthed the words " but he doesn't like me " and then realized that a he was looking right at me " omg I think he just saw me say that !!!" I thought frantically then I added quickly I have to go and I turned aprupluplya and my bag spilled all over the place and Elana bent down help and so did josh I knew jake would but he had nee sugery and couldn't bend josh was handing me my walat and as he help it out the bloody comer of my razor stuck out and glinted in the sun he saw it looked at me shocked then I grabbed it from him pretending I dint see it then said I gtg umm thanks and rushed tords the school dreading the moment he relezd I was a freak

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