Nico and Percy

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Nico's Point of View

They were gaining on me. I had no where left to run. This was it. I am about to die.

I looked to my left, and I saw them. It was a pack of hellhounds, whom are possessed by a spirit I can't seem to control. They won't listen to anything that I say.

I looked to my right and I see who the spirit the hellhounds are controlled by. He has a Celestial Bronze sword in his left hand, and an Imperial Gold sword in his right. Ahead of me is a huge cliff. Behind me is a huge boulder, barreling down, as if its returning home, it's home being at the bottom of this cliff.

That leaves me two options, since I will not jump down the cliff. I can either run out of the boulders way towards the spirit, or the hellhounds.

I didn't have much of a choice, since the spirit seemingly shadow-traveled in front of me.

Wait, I can shadow-travel.

And I did. I was now behind the spirit, closer to the cliff, and stabbed him in the back. Or tried to, at least.

My Stygian iron sword passed right through him, and into the ground. As I tried to get it out of the the ground, the hellhounds closed in on me.

I shrieked in terror and ran right, letting the boulder knock most of the hellhounds off of the cliff's edge. I maneuvered around to grab my sword, but it was melting in the mud.

"No!" I cried.

I stayed watching it a second too long. A hellhound slammed into my back sending me down the cliff. I closed my eyes, envisioned the top of the cliff, and shadow-traveled back up.

The spirit anticipated this, and with both his swords, he stabbed my chest. I had to get out of here.

But where? My mind thought.

In the few seconds I had to live, One person ran through my mind. I saw, in my mind, a lot of memory's of him.

"'You promised you would protect her,' I said.

'Nico,' he said. 'I tried. But Bianca gave herself up to save the rest of us. I told her not to. But she-'

'You promised!'

I glared at him, full of anger.

'I shouldn't have trusted you.'"

"I starred at him. 'I . . . I can't. He'll hate me now. I mean . . . even more.'

'You have to,' he said. 'You owe me.'

My ears grew warm. 'Percy, I told you I was sorry. Please . . . let me come with you. I want to fight.'

'You'll help more down here.'

'You mean you don't trust me anymore,' I said miserably."

"I froze when I saw them. I drew my sword. The blade was short, sharp, and dark as midnight.

Geryon snarled when he saw it. 'Put that away, Mr. di Angelo. I ain't gonna have my guests killin' each other.'

'But that's-'

'Percy Jackson,' Geryon supplied. 'Annabeth Chase. And a couple of their monster friends. Yes, I know.'

'Monster friends?' Grover said with annoyance.

'That man is wearing three shirts,' Tyson said, realizing it for the first time.

'They let my sister die!' My voice trembled with anger. 'They're here to kill me!'

'Nico, we're not here to kill you.' He raised his hands up. 'What happened to Bianca was-'

'Don't speak her name! You're not worthy to even talk about her!'"

I envisioned the person in these flashbacks. I visioned his cabin, his space, his bed. I envisioned him.

So, as the two deadly blades tore through my shirt, I shadow-traveled to where Percy would've been. In his room, sitting on his bed. As I traveled away, the swords came with me, tearing through the first layer of my skin.

"No!" I shouted, as I was fully in Percy's cabin, falling back onto his bed.

"Nico?!" A confused Percy Jackson asked.

"Y-Yes?" I asked, weakly, as throw blades passed through my chest, tearing the bed open behind me.

"Medic! We need a medic now!" Percy shouted.

"P-Percy, I-I," I stammered out.

"Shhhh," Percy said, his sea green eyes pleading for me to stay alive. "Don't speak. Help will be here any second now."

I wanted to believe him, I really and truly did. But I knew it wasn't true. I would die, here on this bed. I can already feel my heart slowing down.

"Percy, I n-need to tell you . . . that I-I l-love." I gave up. I grabbed His cheeks and brought his lips closer to mine.

Then he did something that surprised me. He put his lips on mine. They tasted salty. Sea salty.

Our eyes were open, and the sea-ish green orbs were the last thing I saw.

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