Narry :: Airplanes

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So this is only loosely based on the song I have linked on the side. It's mostly based of the chorus, but the rest of the song is nice to listen to with this one shot, I think. Also, this is short. I'm sorry.


"Okay!" Harry said, standing up as if he were making an announcement. Moments ago, he'd been sitting with Niall with his arms around the crying boy. Niall was there because, well, he was crying, and he always went to Harry when he was crying. "This has been happening too often."

"I'm sorry," Niall muttered, wiping away his tears with the back of his hand. "I know I annoy you. I don't know how you haven't said anything until now, honestly. I'll leave. I'm so sorry."

"No. You're not going anywhere." Harry said, taking Niall's wrist gently in his hand when Niall stood up to leave. Niall, with his left hand still wiping tears off his eyes, stopped, looking at Harry. Harry's heart broke a little upon seeing the look in Niall's eyes. "Look, I've been stargazing before. It's great for taking pressure off, you know? It'll calm you down a bit, I think. Let's go stargazing."

"Okay." Niall said, letting Harry tug him outside. Harry considered taking Niall up to the roof, since he's been up there so many times and it's not scary or unstable or anything like that. But Harry's house wasn't small- three stories, and he didn't want to risk Niall falling off. So Harry opted for leading Niall out to the backyard, a place free of trees. The two of them lay down and stared up at the beautiful night sky.

"You should tell me what's wrong." Harry said. Before Niall could say anything, Harry continued on, "I know how much you hate looking at someone when you're telling them waht's wrong. You don't like the judgment in their eyes. So just look at the stars. Look at how they shine for you, and tell them what's wrong."

"And you'll just be listening." Niall said. It was crazy how much Harry knew about Niall. They were only best friends, and that was actually a lot, but it wasn't enough. "I just want a wish. I want a shooting star."

"A wish for what?" Harry asked. He turned his head to look at Niall, who was still staring up at the stars. Niall's eyes looked distant, as if his blue eyes had floated up to the sky and were acting as a background to the stars. The sky was slightly blue, and there was so many stars it looked like one of those galaxies that people go see in some science classes.

"I can't tell you." Niall looked at Harry. His eyes weren't distant anymore, as if they'd just snapped back into his head when he looked at Harry. "If I do see a shooting star, I would be able to make my wish. If I tell you, I'd ruin everything."

"Everything?" Harry asked. Niall didn't reply. He turned his face back towards the sky and studied each and every star. Look at how they shine for you, and tell them what's wrong.

"I'm in love with someone." Niall said. Harry looked at his best friend, thinking he was talking to him but he wasn't. He was talking to the stars. "The boy I love is laying right beside me, but he doesn't know I love him. And-and if I tell him, I'll ruin everything. I'll ruin everything."

Harry's eyes grew wide at Niall's words. He opened his mouth to say something, but Niall sat up quickly, pointing. "Harry, it's a- oh, no. It's just an airplane. I thought- thought that was a shooting star."

Niall sounded pretty close to crying now. Harry sat up quickly, moving closer to Niall. He placed one hand over Niall's and leaned into his body. "It doesn't matter. Just close your eyes and make a wish. We can pretend the airplane is a shooting star."

"But it's not." Niall whispered miserably. "It's just a stupid old airplane. I want a wish, Harry. I-I could really use one right now."

"So use one." Harry whispered. He looked back at the airplane, which was travelling quickly over head. "Close your eyes and make a wish before it goes away. Go on, Niall. You deserve it."

Niall glanced at him, and Harry saw the expression in his eyes- the one he always had around Harry. Love. It had been there forever, as Harry could tell now. How had he not noticed it before?

"I made my wish-"

"I love you."

They both fell silent. Niall stared at Harry wish wide eyes, and Harry stared right back at him with eyes wide just the same. Then a smile was tugging at the corner of Harry's lips. "So, what did you wish for?"

Niall surged forward, answering Harry's question with a kiss. He hit Harry with such a force that the two of them fell back onto the grass- Niall on top of Harry and Harry flat on his back. Niall placed his hands on Harry's cheeks, pressing his forearms to Harry's chest to keep him hovered over him. Harry wrapped his arms around Niall's waist. Their legs tangled together below them, but they hardly noticed.

"You love me." Niall said when the two of them finally pulled away from each other. Harry nodded, moving his hands from the middle of Niall's back to his hair, stroking it gently.

"Is that what you wished for?" Harry asked, playing with Niall's hair. He had a few knots in his hair, and Harry pulled his fingers away from each one gently so he didn't rip out any of Niall's hair.

"How'd you guess?" Niall asked with a smile brighter than Harry had ever seen it. Harry stopped moving his fingers to tangle them up into Niall's hair. He pulled Niall back down to kiss his lips again.

"You didn't need a wish for me to love you." Harry muttered, his eyes closed. His lips were still pressed close to Niall's lips, but he didn't bother pulling back. If anything, he pulled Niall a little bit closer. "I already did."

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