Narry :: Beautiful Eyes

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"Blonde hair, shining blue eyes, face made of gold..."

Harry had never been much for parties. There were always so many high or drunk sweaty people everywhere with oblivion taking over their minds. It wasn't rare that Harry was approached by perfectly sober people, girls mostly (though he didn't really swing that way), and he could just imagine how many people would come onto him when they were drunk. It wasn't a cocky thought, or so Harry didn't believe so, it was just true. He couldn't help it.

His best friend, Liam, had invited him to one particularly annoying party, and he has no idea why he even bothered to show up. He supposed it had to do with the fact that he promised Liam he would, but he shouldn't have promised in the first place.

This was Louis Tomlinson's house he was sat in, alone on a small chair with some form of soda in his hands. He wasn't about to drink whatever alcohol was being provided here, because this was a college party and he knew it would be shit.

Louis Tomlinson was one of the most popular boys in his school (unfortunately, the whole 'popularity' thing didn't go away when Harry drifted into college like he thought it would). He was on the football team and everyone loved him, because football was a big thing in their school. He wasn't a snob at least, he was just sarcastic and rude to people who decided to be rude to him. Harry didn't actually mind Louis Tomlinson, but they weren't friends- they didn't hang out or anything. Louis probably didn't even know who Harry was, which added to the list of reasons as to why Harry shouldn't be here. But Louis wanted as many people as he could here, because this was a big party in a big house and it was a celebration for a game he'd won.

One of Louis' friends was Zayn Malik- a God of the school with his quiffed hair and perfect jawline. He didn't play sports, but he was extremely talented when it came to arts. Liam happened to be pretty good friends with Zayn- not to the point where they'd met each other's friends, so Liam didn't know Louis and Harry didn't know Zayn. But Zayn had invited Liam, and Liam had invited Harry, and that's how Harry ended up promising Liam he would come- because Liam wanted him to meet Zayn, who he had a completely subtle crush on.

Harry sighed. He wasn't having any fun at all and Liam was on the other side of the room, talking to a boy Harry had just noticed. The boy had blonde hair and bright blue eyes and Harry had never seen him before. But he was beautiful.

Harry decided now was a good time to get up and go talk to Liam, maybe find out that blonde's name. Harry set his drink down on the table in front of him- the one he had planned to put his feet up on, but he didn't want to be rude. He got up, smoothed his shirt, and walked over to Liam.

"Harry!" Liam said, obviously extremely pleased. He looked excited. "There you are! I've been looking for you ... sort of. More or less hoping you'd show."

Harry chuckled. Like Harry, Liam was shit at lying, and it was a good thing he didn't because Harry would have totally called him out on it. "Well, here I am. This party's shit, by the way, I don't know why you made me come. I haven't seen Zayn once."

"Sorry, he didn't actually show. He got sick." Liam made a face of apology, then he wrapped an arm around the now silent blonde boy's shoulder. "But Niall's here!"

"Niall." Harry repeated. He stuck his hand out for the blonde boy, taking a step back so he had room to extend his arm without accidentally hitting Niall's chest. "Pleasure to meet you, Niall. I'm Harry."

"I'm-I'm Niall. Yeah." Niall shook Harry's hand, a bit stiff and awkward. Harry smiled. Niall was cute, and Harry really, really liked him already.

"You've never told me you knew a Niall." Harry turned to Liam when Niall let go of his hand. Before Liam could answer, Niall turned to him and said, "And you've never told me about a Harry."

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