Ziall :: U.N.I

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Niall sat on his bed, patiently waiting for Zayn to call him. He promised he would- "Later tonight", he'd said.

Well, it was almost eleven o'clock. Zayn still hadn't called, and Niall didn't even know if he would.

He nearly pounced when his phone rang, but he just calmly grabbed it and answered, smiling.

"Hello?" He said happily. He'd forgotten to check the caller I.D., but he didn't really need to. He was so sure it was going to be Zayn.

"Hey, Niall." Liam's voice sounded off. He sounded odd. It wasn't odd like his nose was stuffy, it was odd like he had an off tone.

"H-hi, Liam." Niall said, quite nervous. Liam's voice sounded hesitant- that's what it was. He sounded unsure, and whenever Liam had that voice (or anyone he knew, really), it was bad news. Liam had bad news.

"H-how's university?" Niall asked when Liam didn't say anything. "Where's, um, where's Zayn?"

Liam and Zayn were in university together. They were roommates, too. If anyone would know where Zayn is or what's happening with him, it would be Liam.

"University is going great." Liam said. "Zayn's, um . . . Niall, I have to tell you something about him."

Niall's heartbeat picked up. Did something happen? Well, obviously, but was it terrible? Was Zayn hurt? What if got into a car accident? What if he was in the hospital? What if he was in a coma? What if he was, God forbid, dead?

"Niall? You there?" Liam asked. In his state of panic, Niall had forgotten he was on the phone.

"Y-yeah." Niall stuttered. "What happened? Is Zayn hurt?"

"No." Liam muttered bitterly. Niall frowned. Liam sighed. "Zayn . . . Niall, I really hate to tell you this, but Zayn cheated on you."

Niall stayed silent for the longest time, Liam's words processing in his mind. Zayn wasn't hurt, but he had cheated on Niall.

Niall didn't even try to tell Liam he was wrong- didn't even try to deny it, because Liam would never, ever lie about this, and he wouldn't even tell Niall if he wasn't certain.

"Wh-what?" Was all that came out of Niall's mouth. He couldn't believe it. Zayn wasn't the type to cheat.

"I'm so sorry, Niall." Liam said. He sighed. "He's been partying so much lately. I don't know what's going on."

"Oh." Niall felt so hurt. Did he do something wrong? Why would Zayn cheat on him?

"Niall-" Liam tried today, but Niall was already hanging up, throwing his phone down as the first flow of tears started.


Zayn walked into his and Liam's room just as Liam hung up, sighing heavily.

"Who was that?" Zayn asked, raising a concerned eyebrow. Liam wanted to punch Zayn in the face, acting like nothing was wrong.

"That was your boyfriend." Liam snapped. Zayn frowned, glancing over at Liam.

"Oh?" He said, putting his bag down and sitting on his bed. "What did he say? Is he alright?"

Liam really wanted to punch Zayn, now. He couldn't believe Zayn asked him if Niall was alright rather than already knowing himself.

"Actually, Niall's not alright." Liam said, putting his phone down. That had Zayn's eyes widening, worry and concern crossing over his features.

"What?" Zayn asked, his voice urgent and extremely worried. "Why? What happened?"

"I was being honest, unlike you- though you really had no reason to lie to him, considering you didn't even call him." Liam was so close to screaming.

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