Larry :: Their Fire Died

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I'd recommend listening to the song on the side as you read this. It's kind of just background music (there are no lyrics- it's all instrumental, so it shouldn't be too distracting).


"Think of all the love that's been wasted.

People always try to escape it.

Move on to stop their hearts breaking..."

Allow me to tell you a story. You may know the story already, or you may know the story already. You also may not have heard it, but that's highly unlikely. The story is popular. The "story" is popular.

The story is about two boys- five, really, but it focuses on two. If you can guess already, what this story is, good. I'm glad. You obviously know the story and you either love it or hate it. Whether you do or whether you don't, I'd like you to stick around and let me finish, please?

Now, I'm sure you recognize the title One Direction. Yes? The world's biggest boyband. Honestly, who hasn't heard of them? Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Zayn Malik. Those are the five boys I'm talking about.

Have you guessed which two I'm focusing on yet?

Let's take away Zayn first. Zayn doesn't have much to do with the story I'm about to tell- the story you may already "know". Next, let's take away Liam. Liam doesn't have much to do with it, either- slightly more in the story you "know". Let's take away Niall last, shall we? He has lots to do with "the story", but not the one I'm about to tell. It's the one you may already "know".

That leaves us with Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Did you guess it was them? If you did, good job. If you're unhappy that I'm telling a story about them, I'd still like you to stick around, because this is important. If you are happy I'm telling a story about them, I'm going to warn you, you're not going to like it much after a while. But, I'd still like you to stick around, if you would.

Perhaps you already know where I'm going with this- perhaps you know this lovely story. The story about Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson being together as a couple- as Larry Stylinson. Perhaps you're one of the people who like them together. Perhaps you're one of the people who despise that thought. Stick around. Whichever one you are, you'll be happy at some point.

Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson met on X-Factor, where the boys were put together. They had an immediate spark. Do you remember Harry picking Louis up when Simon Cowell announced they were going to be put together in a band? Yeah? Well, that was excitement and joy and that's the first time their lips touched. You couldn't see it- Niall was in the way. But they kissed, and that's where the fire started- just a little spark.

After that, on their journey through X-Factor, Harry and Louis began to sleep in the same bed. They would wait until the other boys were asleep then Harry would crawl into Louis' bed and sleep on his chest. The boys would find them like that in the morning and they'd tease them, but only playfully. They supported their new-found best friends.

As Harry and Louis grew more attached, they found out more about each other, and that only made the fire between them grow. It was beautiful. Everyone could see the chemistry, everyone could see how happy they were.

Until one day, they weren't happy. Harry began to over-think; What will my mother say? What will happen if we all become famous and we have to come out? What if we lose and have to go home and we never, ever see each other again?

Harry and Louis never declared themselves as boyfriend and boyfriend. That's the thing that broke them- they never agreed they were exclusive. So when Harry met Eleanor, a pretty fan of theirs, he introduced her to Louis so he wouldn't be alone and him and Louis stopped kissing and sleeping in the same bed and being cuddly. 

That's where things began to fall apart and their fire began to die with all the water Harry was throwing over it. Louis didn't try to stop him. Louis just sat and watched Harry put out their fire- watched him with tears in his eyes. He didn't do anything.

Then One Direction was signed and they were put in recording for their very first single- What Makes You Beautiful. Louis had so many things running through his mind, and he couldn't concentrate well. Harry knew it was his fault, but he didn't do anything. He stopped putting out their fire and turned his back on Louis. That's when Louis did something.

He told Harry that it didn't matter that he was scared to come out, that he would wait until Harry was ready and until he wanted to. He told Harry that it was sweet of him to try to set him up with Eleanor so Louis wouldn't be alone. Harry fell straight back into Louis' arms. They kissed and hugged and got back together- exclusively this time.

A year later, Harry knew he was ready. A year of bliss and pleasure and happiness, and Harry wanted to share that with the public. Louis took Harry's hand with pride and they both walked into their management's office, telling them about what's happened.

Their management wasn't very happy with that.

They told Louis that he couldn't be with Harry- not yet, and that Louis should pretend to be with Eleanor for a while until they saw the fans warming up to the idea of Harry and Louis being together a little more than they already were.

Their management wasn't forbidding Louis and Harry to continue being together. They didn't tell them to quit sitting together or to stop looking at each other or to stop being "friends". I'm sure a lot of you assumed that's what happened. It's not. You've got the story all wrong.

Harry and Louis agreed- that was fair. They would come out soon and that would be it. They'd be happy if they were just patient and waited a little longer. They would be free.

Then, the story of Elounor was sent to the public. The beautiful Eleanor Calder and the charming Louis Tomlinson were an "official" couple. They were so happy together, and Louis was not with Harry.

For a while, people accepted that. They thought Louis and Eleanor made a beautiful couple and that Louis and Harry were just good friends. For that while, things were okay. Louis and Harry could sit together and hold hands behind closed doors in peace.

Then all Hell broke loose. Harry and Louis slipped up on something and "false rumors" that he and Harry were together were everywhere. People were debating on it. 

People began to send Harry hate- telling him to kill himself because he was just getting in the way of Louis and Eleanor's precious relationship. Fans were shoving  the fact that Louis and Harry were together down their throats.

That's when things began to fall apart more, and the fire between them once again began to die, but this time, it wasn't water being dumped on it. It was ice- ice being the fans. They were beating down their fire- spitting out the fact that Eleanor and Louis were together and that Harry should just go die.

Harry stopped sitting next to Louis. Louis stopped touching Harry. They didn't speak, they didn't smile, and people began saying that Harry and Louis were together, which didn't make much sense to either of them because they stopped being so close.

Management told them it was alright for them to come out if they really wanted to, because most people were okay with them being together and were quite desperate to see it. They refused. They didn't want to be together anymore. It was too hard to be together when Harry was getting death threats for being gay and for being too attached to Louis. They just couldn't do it.

Their fire died. Louis and Harry were left with nothing- only broken chemistry and past happiness. The two of them gave up, and they both watched with tears in their eyes as their fire died.

You see? I bet you know the story. I bet you "knew" the story. The story that management forced them to be apart and forced Eleanor to be with Louis. You were wrong. 

You were so, so wrong.

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