I Know Your Secret, Mr. Tough

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School is so judgemental. Why can tough guys be sensitive, too? Why can't everyone be smart? It makes no sense, because the people you judge, you barley even know.

This is when Eren found out about Levi's soft side.



School is so dumb. Not in the intelligence factor, but the mental aspect. We go to school everyday to learn, right. When I go to school all I learn is a) how much I hate everyone and b) how judgemental everyone can be. It's stupid.

Everyone gets judged and placed in a group, no matter their opinion. The jocks can't be friends with the geeks because it's socially unacceptable. The nerds can't be popular and smart, it's socially unacceptable. Girls can't be strong or play football, it's socially unacceptable. Boys can't play volleyball or be a cheerleader, it's socially unacceptable. What I think should be unacceptable is judging others, especially if you don't know them.

The judgement isn't the only reason I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. It's only one of many. But, I still have to do it. I have to go to school and get a good education so I can go to college, even though I can't afford it. I have to go to college to get a job, and I have to get a job to pay for what I need to live. Life's a lot of work.

The sudden missing warmth of the blankets leaves my whole body shivering. "Come on, up. It's time for school. And don't complain, we've been doing this since first grade." That would be Mikasa. She's my sister, a little over protective at times, but I love her anyways. I remember one time she beat up this kid Jean, just for saying that I had anger issues. Which I do, so I don't see what the big deal was.

"Ugh... do I have to?" I groan into my pillow. She doesn't respond, but instead hits me in the head with the pillow that used to cover my face. With that she leaves. I'm gonna guess that mean yes.

I climb out of bed and my feet hit the cold, wood floor. Surprised at how cold it is, I jump up and run to the bathroom. There so a small carpet in there, the only carpet in the whole house, so I stand there, warning my feet up. Since I'm in here, I guess I should take a shower.

(Insert steamy hot shower scene)

When I'm dressed and dry, I head down stairs to see Mikasa already left and didn't even leave me any food. Literally, the fridge is empty. We had tons of food yesterday before... oh that's why. Sasha was over last night, Mikasa probably didn't have any breakfast either.

At school, I sit alone at the beach my group usually sits at. Waiting is a bitch. It slows all time down just to make me go crazy. Finally Marco arrives, soon followed my Jean. Jean has been trying to get Marco's attention since seventh grade, if the freckled jesus hasn't noticed by now, I don't think he ever will. Mikasa comes a while later, having an intense conversation with Annie. The last to join us are Connie and Sasha, not surprisingly, carrying a plate of pancakes with them.

Soon after, the bell rings. We all spilt up, Sasha, Connie and I, third wheeling, head to math, while Jean and Marco got to gym, and Annie and Mikasa go to art. Oh yeah, Sasha and Connie are a couple, possibly the cutest in the school. They've got the cutest couple award in the bag.

"Sit down class!" Mr. Smith yells. Sometimes I think he'd be a better coach than a teacher. Actually he did coach for a while, but he uh, was too violent. The school board told him to calm down and gave him a job here instead. How that makes since, I don't know.

We all obey, knowing what happens if we don't. The only seat left is next to Levi, the school punk. There again with the judgment. Honestly I don't think he's as tough as he wants everyone to think. So I sit next to him as if we've been friends forever.

"Hey, Levi! How are you?" I ask curiously. I've always thought him to be interesting. I mean, why would he pretend to be someone he isn't? I know for a fact he is hiding something, even something small, behind those chains and heavy leather jackets.

"Why are you talking to me?" He grunts.

"Well why not?" I answer with a question. He doesn't answer, but puts his head in his arms, sighing. "So, how are you?" I ask again.

"Fine." He mumbles from his arm cave.

I know he's not fine. Someone who was fine wouldn't talk like that. Someone who was fine wouldn't dress like that. But I don't question it. Some people just have to figure out what fine really is themselves. Levi seems like the person who has to do that.

As Mr. Smith begins talking about math and shit, I take notes. Though it's not required, I need them. I'm failing this class, along with every other class. About half way through class, I hear soft snores coming from Levi. He was sleeping.

I don't know what compelled me to do it. Maybe it was the excitement of possibly getting caught, or the irony of it all. I reached over to his paper, and drew a flower. It was pretty good too. Simple and elegant. When he didn't wake up, I reached over and drew another one. Then another. Eventually it became a game to see how many I could draw before he awoke.

13. I drew 13 before he woke up. I would have gotten farther if it wasn't for Mr. Smith.

"What," he smacked a ruler against the table. "Are you doing, Jeager?" Levi's head pops up so fast I think he had whip lash.

"Just uh.." Levi looks around confused for a minute. He looks at his paper, even more confused now. "Waking Levi up, sir. He dozed off." I make up an excuse.

Mr. Smith turns to Levi. "Is that right, Ackerman?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah sure." Levi replies, still in his drunk sleep state. I wonder what he would say if he wasn't half asleep. Probably nothing since that's how he is, quiet and alone. The most silent of tongues have the loudest of minds, though. The hard part is getting them to say something, but then that defeats the purpose if a silent tonuge.

When the teacher goes back to teaching, I pay close attention. Not because it's interesting, because trust me it's not, but because I know Levi is looking at the flowers. I know that if I look at him, it's likely he's going to hit me, or verbally abuse me. It's happened before, but I can't say I didn't like it. In case you haven't guessed by the flowers and liking the beating from Levi, I'm gay. Yep. Gay. People think I'm with Mikasa, which is stupid because she's my sister.

Curiosity got the best of me and I looked over at him. He's covering his paper with his left arm and writing with his left. I can almost see what he's doing. At that moment, he shifts to take a note and I see what he's writing, well drawing.


Not just flowers, a field of them. All centered around my 13. You can definitely tell the difference between them. Mine, drawn in haste and rush, which I had thought looked good up until that moment, look dreadful compared to his cleanly crafted ones. They were so good, I bet they could be in a professional piece or something.

It's surprising. The tough guy, being an artist. Here comes the judgement again. Really, you can't help it. Someone who wears chains and has a kill-you aura, you won't expect to be an artist. You just don't. I guess that's part of human nature though, the judging. I guess there's nothing you can do to stop it. But, I also don't know Levi, so I can't judge him.

He goes back to drawing little flowers and I can't help but watch as he draws. How swift his hand is. How the muscles flex. How the pencil sits in his hand. It's all beautiful. Every aspect of it. It defies stereotypes, judgement, and also creates something amazing.

It's okay, Mr. Tough. I know your secret. Your just like everyone else, with feelings and thoughts. I know what your hiding behind that leather and chains, and it's beautiful. You can't always hide from society, but I won't expose you. I know your secret, Mr. Tough.

But I'm gonna keep it.

So how did you guys like it? I like it, it was sweet. Sorry there isn't much Ereri, but if you want some more go check out my other books! (Shameless self- promoting)

Alright brats, stay in school, don't do drugs, drink a lot of milk, all that good shit. Bye!

Oh, don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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