Turkey X Reader~Unmasked

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Maybe life could be a little rough sometimes, but this, this, was seriously the most stupidest thing you had to do.
Your mother thought it would be the greatest thing to do, and sign you, you, up for the school play!

You were so not happy about this.
You had a reputation to uphold! This wouldn't get you on the A-list in your opinion.
But, of course, you had to join drama in your ninth year, so now you had to do it.
Secretly, of course, you thought it couldn't be all that bad.... Could it?

Oh wait, nevermind, it could.
And there he was, that stupid Sadiq Annan, who had to be your partner in this.
In all honesty, the play wasn't half that bad itself, but he had gone and made it worse.
Oh but the end of the play, was really the worst of all.

You had to take off his mask that he had worn, and kiss him.
Kiss him!
You were so not happy with this play.
Like, who would even think to kiss that loser?!
That stupid enchanting smile that could make you all weak in the knees!

Err, any girl, of course, you mean.
Still, he didn't deserve to kiss you!
Or...did he?
It's most like you haven't thought about it.
To you, it would feel like flying...
So, you secretly accepted that this was gonna happen.

But....you were scared of things, of how you two wouldn't even look at each other after this was all over.
And then, the fear grew even more when it was final night.

You watched him as he did his scenes intently, and when you two had a scene, you did the best you could.

But then, the fear came back when it was the kissing scene.
You both kissed lightly, but not too quick, and you felt like you were gonna pass out at a point afterwards.

Then, the ending came.
You were dreading the moment when you both would walk off that stage without another word, going your separate ways.

As you both looked at each other for the last time that night, you could've sworn you saw sadness in his expression before he left the theatre.

It wasn't your fault you kissed Sadiq and fell in love with him.
You just couldn't get him out of your mind since that night.
So, when school started on Monday, all you did was think of Sadiq, and the way he would look at you.

Yet, you know it was only acting, and you were only dreaming.
So, when you saw him in the hallway, and when his eyes met yours, time seemed to froze.
You shakily went near him, and he went near you before he took your hand.
You both looked at each other, before he smiled.

"Wanna practice kissing again? For old times sake?" He asked and you smiled.

"Well, we're not at a theatre anymore....but, hey, for old times sake." You said chuckling before leaning up and kissed him happily.

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