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Entry #1
Hello world the names Lambo Bovino. I'm currently 18 years old and the Lighting Guard of my step-brother Tsuna. I'm guessing your wondering why I'm telling you this, and well that's because you a journal I can confide in. I want my story to be written and recorded from my past years to remember the good times I had growing up in a semi-normal life. It may not of been the best life, but I could never ask for any other. Though I wouldn't of been here if it weren't for my friend, she was the only one that helped me throughout my life when no one else in my new family did. All I can say is that I have a lot of things to write.

I closed my journal up for the day when I first my entry. I knew that Reborn wasn't in the the mansion and I was grateful for that, considering that he's a male hooker in my eyes. It was very fortunate that he had one of his 'dates' if it can be called that. He's probably just skipped to the main event to get busy. I always knew that he had the ability to read mind since I was 10, and it was kinda obvious to begin with.

Anyway I have to get ready for tonight. Tonight is my annual day of the week to visit my best friends. She gonna help me with my college applications so I can further develop my education. Though I don't really want to go college, I still want to get a degree in business to maintain my company(something I'll tell you later), and further my career. Lucky for me most of my family is out on missions and the only ones I have to worry about are Chrome, Tsuna, the few Arcobaleno that stay here, and Gokudera. It's actually very funny that some of the most powerful hitman here can be easily evaded here, and I mean they had years more of experience in the mafia.

I decided to wear the red and black tie-dye shirt my friend got me, my favorite pair of ripped white jeans, black running shoes, and a black jacket. I grabbed the things I needed and put them in my backpack, and before I left my room I grabbed my journal and snuck out.
>>>Time skip<<<

I honestly loved to leave the mansion and sight see around the city. It really brings me the comfort I need from all the noise and drama that happens at 'home,' if it can be called that. The stars above twinkled so brightly and nature noise really did have that soothing melody, and I'd loved it. I always take the scenic route from the mansion to her home, ever since she showed the beauty of nature and the horrors that hide in plain sight.

After 30 minutes of walking, I came to the hidden entrance to her home and walk into it. Many may have found the secret passage scary, but I find it exciting. To walk in a pitch black, and dead as silent tunnel was quite exhilarating. It really comes in handy be able see in the dark.

After a quick walk, I stood in front of a door and put in the combination that me and her family knows about.

When the door opened, their stood my best friend of the entire world.

"It's been awhile, hasn't my friend."

"Same to you, KR" I replied happily.

"Shall we begin."


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