Walking on Thin Ice

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After spending time with Raul and the gang I felt much better than what I was this morning. But it looked like I wasn't aware of the time and saw that I was 3 hrs gone from the mansion. I can imagine that none of them really cared if I was gone or even missing from their so called 'family.' But I had to keep up the act that I'm still dependent on them when they all think that I'm the fool.

I stood at the entry way for the home's exit tunnels and was ready to take my leave. As I was about to step foot in the entrance, Raul came up to me and said," Come back safe for me Lambo."

"Don't I always," I replied happily. "Even if I do get into trouble, I have my knight in shining armor to come save me and sweep me off my feet." I walk close to him and gave him a peck on the lips. "Besides no matter what happens I'll always have the time to tell you how I feel about you."

"Hahaha, I see you still have you humility."

"Would it be any other way." I said and gave him one more kiss before we went our separate ways. I didn't want to go to that hell, yet I couldn't exactly let them find out my secrets and use me like a little tool for their own amusement.

I decided to walk to the mansion to prolong the arising questions I'm gonna be asked by the Vongola's boss and his freaked 'guardians.' Sometimes I hate playing the role of the fool and wished that I could show each and everyone of them what real power is and how power can be used to do something good. Yet each of them have a hidden greed to keep that power for themselves. But it means nothing to me, since I would rather focus on what I have and what is really important.

I continued walking till I saw the familiar landscape of the mansion and dreaded the feeling of annoyance they was about to come. I took a deep breath and continued my way to the mansion.

I entered the room and immediately knew that the place was de-voided of life and felt like nothing but an empty shell. I was both thankful yet unnerved by this revaluation considering that most of the current occupants were technically still on missions and the few that were here would be training amongst themselves. Yet even as they trained, I could still hear the noise anywhere within and out of the mansion. So I took cautious steps as I heard to my appointed room. My room was at the second floor of the mansion so I took the stair, however I had to pass the meeting room that held all of the family's secrets and I was never allowed in their. I just wanted to forget about them so I grudgedly  began my walk past it until I heard it. "Did you tell the stupid cow about his removal yet boss?"

I froze at that comment and walked closer to the door as much as I could to not raise suspicion. "Gokudera, to answer your questions I did, but it'll take time for him to adjust to the reality of this decision." Tsuna said in a plain voice.

"Stop prolong the inevitable Tsuna the idiotic calf needs to go," Reborn said next.

"But you can't do that Tsuna!! Lambo is part of this family as much as anyone else!!" Chrome yelled. I could hear the anger radiating from her voice, and was a bit shocked to hear that since she's usually quiet and in the standing side of Muruko when ever they are together. It was at that moment at least I could feel the love from someone here.

"The herbivore is nothing but a dead weight needed to be removed permanently."

"Kufufufu I didn't know you could be so cruel to the little calf like that Hibari. It's quite enjoyable to see that in you."


"I EXTREMELY agree on letting Lambo go back to Japan," I heard Sasagawa.

"But you can't do that to him. His been part of this family for years and your gonna give up on his just like that!!! WHY???"

"Because that little pest is nothing more that a useless baby." I-pin said in a bored tone.

"How can you say that I-pin!?! Your his friend!!!"

"Easy, cause we all know that he's the weakest in the family and I'm tired of his stupid, bubbling, cry-babying self."

"No matter what, the end result is the same. Lambo is no longer part on this family and we are to cut off contact with him." I heard Tsuna say in a blank and even tone.

That was the final straw and I busted me way in hell blazing in the pit of my eyes. The unexpected noise from the door immediately gave them a shock but I didn't care. I can in with fire in my eyes and sparks extruding from my body. "So this is what most you think of me ay? Well let be the one to tell you that the feeling been mutual."

"Lambo what are you doing here. You kno-"

"Shut the hell you two face idiot!!!" I yelled at Tsuna, and from what I could see everyone was shocked by my words. "I gonna say this as clear as possible. I worked my ass off helping this stupid family rise in the chain of it old development, yet all I get from most of you are snarking say that I just a weak and stupid cow. Well let me tell you something, I more what meets the eyes."

"Yeah right," an arrogant I-pin said in a lazy tone. "As if you cou-"

She never got a chance to finish when I shadowed traveled behind her, grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and threw her across the room. I made sure that I left bruising on her neck so she would know her place. Nonetheless, I made sure that each and everyone of them see the extent of what I could do with limited powers.

"Lambo how could you do that to your fell-"

"One: I don't really care anymore. Two: I'm not you guardian anymore. Three: the little brat had it coming to her." I said in a snappy reply, and to emphasize that I'm no longer with them anymore, I took off the Vongola lighting guardian ring add tossed to the ground.

The weight on my shoulders felt a bit lighter, and I felt joy watching their expressions of shock and anger. They should all know by now that when it comes to the mafia world there is one rule every family must follow: You never skew with Family.

"You stupid cow, if think your can get away with this then you surely mistaken!!!" an angry Gokudera yelled.

"Good thing he did come alone," I heard a voice standing right behind me. "And I must say that this is quite a welcome surprise of events."

I smiled and gave a happy nod to Klaryssa in her boss uniform as she faced the Vongola family. She wore a white button up blouse that was embroidered with black roses above her heart, black suit pants that clung to her figure, black heels, and her hair tied in a bun with a black rose on the side.

"What are you doing here Klaryssa?!?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk and I thought this family would be actually decent than previous ones, but it appears I was wrong. As for why I'm here, I here to get my family member away from you."

"What the hell are you talking about?!?!" a cautious Reborn asked her.

I place a had on my shoulder and and said,"Why Lambo of course."

The shock on their faces were the second highlight of my day. The total shock and fear that ran through their faces was even more satisfying.

"Hey K I'm gonna head back to your place with me stuff soon, have fun dealing with these guys."

"Gonna on ahead."

I didn't bother to listen to their calls for me and shadow travel to gather my things and left. This is the path that I chose, so I'll take the consequences that follow. Yet ones thing for sure, my life is about to change into a whole new direction.


Chapter 5 is done!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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