First Meeting

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When morning came the next day, I recalled what happened yesterday. After what happened last night, I could never get it off my mind. Reborn just standing there drunker than dead, looking at me with lust in his eyes and intentions to capture his prey. I honestly felt for the first time pure rage. Rage that wanted his face nothing more than the colors of black and blue. I need to write in my journal to calm so what down. Good thing I set a special barrier around my room.
Entry #2
Hey it's me again. Right now I'm feeling this anger ever since Reborn tried to kiss me last night. I don't know who he think he is, since that bastard is just a two timing playboy.

But enough about him, I guess it's time I write about how I met my friend Klaryssa. It's funny how I'm writing it down considering I have perfect memory, but nevertheless it would be very useful.

It all began when I was 8 years old, I was a kinda a fun loving, excited kind of kid with huge dreams. Yet those dreams diminished when I turned 5 years old. All the things the Bovino wanted me to be was world class hitman, when we were a known as a family that deal mainly with technology. The bruises I felt, the bones that broke, and the injuries I received on a daily basis were agonizing day in and day out. On very rare occasions, I would be allowed to have time for myself and I would use it to at least pretend I have a normal childhood. It been that way for 3 yrs, and it was up until I was 8 I was able to meet her.

It was one of my days off, and I wanted to spend time at the arcade, but something inside me told me I should go to the park to play. I did go to the park, and when I got there I saw many families playing with one another having fun like a normal family. My heart pained as I continued watching there interaction, and I silently began to cry. I cried and I cried for what felt like hours and ran into the forest near the park. I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't care. I wanted to get as far as I can from the heart wrecking scene till my legs finally gave away. I sat down on the base of a very tall tree and continued to cry, I didn't know how much time had past until I heard the sound of foot steps. I didn't care if it was a stranger, I just wanted to be left alone.

"Are you ok?" I heard a young voice say to me.

I looked up and was staring at a girl that appeared to be 16 or 17 years old. She had long dark brown hair with various blond highlights, tan brown skin, and comforting dark brown eyes. I felt immediately a warm comfort just by looking at her, yet I also felt the hairs sticking out in the back of my neck.

"Are you ok, little boy?"

"I'm ok," I replied a little crackly from crying.

She just looked at me concernedly and then a spark flashed in her eyes. She came close to me and scooped me I her arms and gave my a hug. It felt completely foreign since I was never given a hug, even by my own family. I didn't pull away and actually hugged her back, I felt all the love and caring just from that little hug. I was so caught up in it I didn't even realize she was carrying me somewhere, but I didn't care.

We arrived to a private area in the park, and my head was still laying down on the side of her neck. I heard distant voices getting closer as we walked towards them. I felt scared and clinged tighter on her. When we arrived at the group everything was silent, I felt eyes on both of us and I felt nauseous. I felt her sit down somewhere around the group and looked up a little, and standing around were many people I didn't know and they all had different ways of expressing themselves.

"Uh Klaryssa, who's that?" Someone ask.

"Don't know." It was that reply that started the arguments. They went back and forth between everyone and she had to set me down to tell everyone to calm down.

"Who are you?" a voice said behind me. I turn and saw a boy that took my breath away. He was the same age as me and had brown spiked up hair, black eyes, and tan skin.

"I-I-I'm Lambo Bovino."

That's when everybody was silent. "A Bovino? What's a Bovino down away from his home?"

"Well that's a question where gonna find out," she said, and turned towards me. "Hey there little guy, my names Klaryssa Reyes. Can you tell me why you so far from home?" That's when I flat out cried and told her everything, and it wasn't until I finished what I said that I felt everybody's dark aura. "Well you don't have to worry about that for now, cause your with the Reyes family. And I think an introduction in an order, and I see you already meet my brother Raul. Let me introduce you to the family."

I met a lot of people that were great and amazing in their own ways, and felt genuine happiness meeting each and everyone of them. I spent a lot of my time with them until the sun was setting. I felt sad that I had to leave them, but Klaryssa promised me they would always spend their time with me and never abandon me ever. She even gave me a special gift to use when I ever want to contact them when I needed them most, and I carry it with me all the time. Even as I headed back to my horrible 'home,' I knew that it I would have a blossoming friendship with my new friends.

This was one of the most precious memories I hold in my heart, and pray never to forget about it. For all I know, I plan to elaborate more on how my life changed when I met her and her family.
As I finish another entry in my journal, a knock came from my door. I usually never get called by anyone, even rarely to getting a knocking from my door. Most of the time if someone wants me they barge into my room and demand that I do something with little objection.

I stood up from my bed, and walked to the door. Standing in front of me stood my step-brother Tsuna, and judge my the horrible expression he's trying to hide it can't be good.

"Um, Lambo can we talk for a minute," he asked me 'casually.'

"Yeah, sure Tsuna."

I let him into my room, and offered him a seat on my bed. Once we were seated, the growing tension of silence lingered throughout my room. We stayed to what felt like 5 minutes in total silence, till he finally broke the ice.

"Listen, Lambo I don't really know how to put this into words, so um..."

"Well then just tell my the truth and get it over with."

"It's not that simple to say, Lambo."

"Oh please Tsuna, how bad can it be." I already knew what he wanted to say to me for a long time.

"Here goes nothing," and Tsuna took a deep breath and said," your moving back to Japan." And there it was.

" What do mean I'm moving back Japan!!" I 'yelled.'

"Lambo it's not safe for you here and I don't want you to get hurt."

"So kicking me out the family is saving me!"

"It's not like that Lambo, I just want you to stay away from the conflict here."

I put on my face and told him in a anger voice, "get out."


"I said get out!!" with tears in my eyes.

He left my room without an more argument and never looked backed. I immediately knew that he never really cared for me. That even he forgotten the main thing I know about family: you never leave anyone behind. That was my final straw for the 'Vongola Family.' They messed with the wrong lighting fighter for the last time.

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