Unexpected turn of events

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I can't believe it. I simply can't believe it. After all the things I did for them and this is what they do to me. I worked day and night to help the Vongola Family to be where it is and I even worked myself to the bone. Well that's not gonna happen anymore.

I dug through my pant pockets and took out the gift Klaryssa given me along time ago. It was an oval-shape hair pin that was colored with black & gold edges and green stones in the center of it. It may of looked like a plain clip to most people, but to me it was the one thing that gave a shoot of being happy. Yet, nows not the time to contemplate the past and I desperately needed to talk to a friend. I pressed the stone in the center of the pin and waited for her to pick up the call.

"Come on. Come on."


After a minute or so of waiting it was Raul that picked up.

"Lambo," he asked confused. "Why are you calling with this line. Did something happen?"

"Hey Raul could you put Klaryssa on phone I really need to talk to her."

"Uh sure?"

After a quick shuffling movement on the other line Klaryssa answered. "Lambo what happened and what's troubling you?"

"K we need an emergency meeting asap."

"......alright get here as fast as you can. See you soon."

"You too."

We both hanged up and started to get ready. I knew that majority of this family weren't morning persons and Tsuna, after the talk, was back at doing paperwork. This was my only chance to get out of here fast and without suspension, while it would be a justified reason considering being kicked out by Tsuna. But nether the less, I needed to move as soon as possible. I through on my regular clothes & shoes, put on my hidden weapons, and grabbed my wallet and in 10 min, I was out of my room and walking away from this house. I thanked any godly being for making this a semi-easy time getting out for the morning and left to Klaryssa's home. I took a quick look around me as soon as I was a good distance away from the mansion and shadow travel there in a blink of an eye.
I guess she was expecting me to be in her bedroom when I called her, and was nonetheless grateful to have her welcome me with open arms. I crashed me and her into a much needed hug, mainly for me, and mjust stayed like that. I felt more calm being here than anywhere else right now and it was my only sanctuary from anything else.

We broke apart from one another when I felt her pat my back and moved us to sit on her bed. She looked at me with concern in her eyes and asked my," What happened to you Lambo?"

I took a deep breath in and out before I said," The Vongola family decided decided to kick me out of the group."


I covered my ears as she shouted, and saw that she a look of pure rage coming out in waves when I told her this.

"Why the hell would they do that to you after all the things you did for them!!!"

"I gonna go out on a limb here and say that they still think that I'm still just a 'weak' and 'pathetic' fighter for them."

"I'm pretty sure you could beat up at least 4 or 5 of there supposed 'guardians' without breaking a sweat," Klaryssa said confidently.

"Yeah and then what? 'Hey Lambo were sorry for calling you weak, wanna help the family that 'gave you' this chance at life?,' I'd rather ingest toxins than have that happen to me!"

I was so angry at them and just the thought of them using me like some type of weapon  or bargaining chip just because of my strength made me want to vomit. "How am I gonna get out of this Klaryssa? I don't want to leave you, Raul, or anyone else in your home. You guys are the only that actually cares for me. I don't want to lose my chance to tell Raul how I feel about him."

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