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"I seems you be lacking on your flexibility again Lambo," my friend told in the middle of training.

"I know, but it's kinda hard to practice when I have to act like the fool to my family."

"Yeah, that would be true," and threw another punch my way.

I dodged it, and attacked her with my own combo. It was obvious that she could take it head on, since she is top dog in the mafia. I knew training would be over, when I felt a sharp pain to my left thigh immobilizing me. I fell to the ground with a thud, and finally collapsed into exhaustion.

"Hmm, it appears that your getting better each day Lambo."

"Yeah, right," I said tiredly.

"Oh contraire my friend, take a look."

I looked up at her and was surprised that I was actually able to scratch her and drew blood on her right cheek. I guess I have been getting better, if I can actually get a hit on her then I'm getting even more stronger than I let myself think.


"Yes 'woah,' now come on trainings over and we need to go over some of the applications for college."

I nodded head, and she reversed whatever she did to me and helped me up. As we walked out of the training room, my heart quickened. I saw the one man I fell heads over heels in love with walking our way. I was so glad that we trained, otherwise he'd seen how flushed my cheeks were just by looking at him.

"Come on, Lambo now's your chance," my friend whispered to me.

"I don't think I can do it."

"Well you only live once."

"Wait Kla-"

"Hey Raul over here!"

I tried to stop her, but when she found out about my crush on her brother she been trying desperately to hook us up together. When she called him I wanted to hide in a corner or run far away and retreat, yet it appears Lady Luck wasn't on my side today.

"Hey sis, training Lambo again."

"Yeah, it same old same old," she said. "Hey Lambo, didn't you wanted to ask my brother something?"


"Sure you do, wasn't to hang out with him in two weeks on Friday." I swear to god I hate her sometimes.

"I-I-I don't remember."

Raul stared and smiled at me so sweetly I lost my breath as he said those words," I would love to hang out with you Lambo."

I felt my heart swoon, and nodded my head in acknowledgment.

"Great well see you later bro, me Lambo her have to work on the applications for college," and off went.

When we were far away enough for Raul, I yelled at her," WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THAT!!!"

"One: you been crushing on my brother for 4 yrs now. Two: you haven't had one date. Three: I find doing this very enjoyable."

I crossed my arms and mumbled," I could of asked him myself."

"Sure you can. Well let's go see those applications you brought after a quick shower."

After the shower, we went over the application and narrowed it down to 4 choices. 2 of them were in Italy and the others were in either Japan or America. I honestly was hoping to get accepted into one out of the country.

"Lambo are you sure you want to send two applications into Italy. You could always apply for more."

"I know but I want to be there for my family."

"How can you consider them family with the way they treat you," she told me seriously.

"Well what else can I do? It not like I can leave them."

"Lambo they haven't even welcomed you formally into their family. I may not know how their minds work, but I need you to promise me something."


"If they ever hurt you, come straight to me and/or my brother to help you. Promise me."

I looked straight up at her eyes and saw the bond we develop so long ago grew even more. I knew that I could always count on her whenever I needed it and said," I promise, Klaryssa."

After we finish our annual meeting I looked at the time and saw that it was almost past midnight. "I gotta run, see you next week Klaryssa."

"You too Lambo," and she kissed me cheeks good bye.

I needed to get home quick and without thinking used my shadow manipulation to do so.

I arrived at my room in a matter of seconds and saw that no came in or out of my room. I was still tired from training and changed into my favorite sheep themed pjs. As I was heading to bed, someone knocked on my door. It was strange considering everybody here, didn't even come for me for anything.

I briskly walked towards the door and opened it. Standing on the other stood Reborn in a disheveled wreck with his fedora covering his eyes. It seemed I was right when he just skewed his date tonight, but I wasn't expecting him to come back home after.

"Reborn what are you doing?"

"T....ss...u," I heard barely.


When he looked up, I saw in his eyes cold hard lust. I was shocked to see it from the man who never like or even acknowledge me. I was even more surprised when he came up on me and tried to kiss me. I didn't love him, I don't want to be in some fling where I'm thrown as used products. When he was close enough, I pinched the nerve that affected his memory as while his conscious. While he was falling I used my powers to send him back to his room.

"The fucking prick," I said quietly and finally went to bed.

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