15 (A Bradley Simpson fanfiction)

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Hi! I'm Melody. I'm currently 17 years old, and I live in London, England. I'm into that sporty stuff, I'd say. I pretty much do every little sport there is.

Soccer, which sucks.. Then volleyball, and basketball. I'm in the starting line up in basketball.

So, let me tell you what happened. It was our 5th game of the basketball season, and we were playing this new school, "The Warriors" which is quite embarrassing for us, since we're the "Crusaders" and our names are so alike I think we probably even copied one another.

I remember us loosing our game, because we were off one point and I got distracted because I was possibly watching the love of my life pass me by to go get dressed into his basketball uniform. I tried not to stare since I didn't know him, but I just couldn't help it. He has the thickest brown hair, and a tall yet skinny figure.

I could hear my coach raging at me at those seconds I just completely froze staring at the boy. I soon snapped into reality as soon as the buzzer went off, at the final period.

People were yelling and such, but I didn't care. I wanted to get the handsome boy, before he started the game. I couldn't find him, I knew he had to be in the locker room, but I am no girl to go in there. I don't need people to be calling me more names tomorrow than I already need.

I soon gave up trying to find him, and sat next to the locker room where I suspected he was in. They all walked out, and he tripped over my leg since he never saw me and he turned sharply. I screamed with surprise yet with horror. At first I thought I killed the poor thing. I didn't want that!

I quickly jumped up, "Hey! Are you okay?" I asked with worry. He was trying to catch his breath, since I probably knocked it out of him. "Yeah, I'm fine.." He said in the nicest way he could.

I offered my hand out, he looked at it, then got up himself. "I screwed up.." Thinking to myself, as I watch him get up.

"What's your name?" I say so quickly that I almost can't even process my own words. The boy walks away, and then shouts to me as he walks "Bradley".

"Ohh... Bradley. Sexy." I say in my mind. I then snap into reality, as he walks and I catch myself staring at his butt as he walks away.

My body cringes, as soon as I realize. I then turn on my heel sharply, to go to the bleachers to watch the boys game.

"Hey, Kaitlyn!" I shout to my bestfriend who was sitting with her boyfriend, Daniel. That I absolutely hate with a passion. She's too good for him, and he's a bad influence on her.

"Hey, Mels!!" Kaitlyn shouts back seconds later. "Comes sit with us, please?" Kaitlyn begs. "Ugh, fine!" I smirk giving her the signal that I was going to sit with them anyways. I can see Daniel's eyes roll so obnoxious at the corner of my eye, I decide to ignore it.

I sat next to Kaitlyn, and begin watching the game. I couldn't help but admire Brad more when he was sweating. I know, I know, it's probably disgusting to you. But its hot to me.

"... Melody, why aren't you talking at all?" Kaitlyn asks more with curiously than anything else. " I snap back into reality quickly. "Oh! Nothing! This game is just thrilling." I respond, trying to make it sound like I being serious.

Kaitlyn laughs. "OHH! PFFT!" She yells. "I think you're giving someone the eyes of love!" She continued. I interrupted, "no I'm not! I'm just really into this game! Seriously!"

I can see Daniel in the corner of my eye not even paying attention, he's literally tuning us out.

"Soo, Melody!" Kaitlyn announces again. "Shhh!" I tell her quickly after. "Calm down, people are staring." I say in a whispering tone, softly.

"So?" Kaitlyn asks in an obnoxious way. I swear, Daniel and her spend way too much time together.

"But seriously... Who do you think is cute?" Kaitlyn asks.

I can feel Daniel's eyes shift over to us, noticing our conversation. Kaitlyn turns her head rapidly, feeling his eyes shift too. "What?" Kaitlyn asks with a smirk. "Ohh.. Nothing.." He responds with, taking his time.

His eyes shift back to the game, that we're loosing. It's the second period, and the score is 45 to 51. I really want this game to go by slower, because this is the only time were playing them this season.

Kaitlyn soon keeps begging me, annoyingly. We've been friends for so long now, she knows everything about me.

"Dammit, Kaitlyn!" I say in annoyance. "Tell me! Tell me!" She says.

"NUMBER 15, OKAY!" I shout so loudly that the game stops and the refs just stare at me, and so do the players on the court, and pretty much everyone on the bleachers.

I blush, almost wanting to cry, I jump down off the bleachers, feeling every eye on me in the gym. Including Bradley, I'm sure he's embarrassed and he probably hates me right about now.

I run into their lobby, having my phone in my hands. As soon as I step out, the games starts once more.

15 - Bradley Simpson Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now