Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Rumple's POV*

The girl ran from me, leaving me speechless.

Was that Belle or was I hallucinating?

"Belle!!!" I yelled, hoping that it was truly her. I missed her so much. That girl looked a lot like Belle...

Then it just hit me, there is a girl on the island working for Pan.

Didn't Hook say that his girl died?

Or did she?

We can use her to our advantage.

*Emma's POV*

We have been walking for a long time. Turns out Neil doesn't remember his way around.

I just want to make sure Henry is ok.

We heard a noise behind us.

"Who's there?" My dad, stepped in front of everyone, sword drawn out.

It was too dark to see anything.

Regina formed a fireball in her hand, lighting up the area around us.

There was a boy about 17 or 18 years old leaning against a tree.

"I see you have found your way to Neverland, welcome." he raised an eyebrow.

Regina was going to throw herself at him but Hook stopped her.

He moved to the front of the group.

"Ah! Peter Pan, how nice to see you again." he said sarcastically.

"Hook, you still look the same, maybe older." he stood up and stepped towards Hook.

"Ok Pan, tell us here the boy is." He demanded.

"Why would I tell you? You would just ruin all the fun in my life, like you have done before." he said with a very straight face.

You can tell Hook was a bit guilty, I mean it was his fault that a young girl died.

"You will never know where the boy is." he narrowed his eyes.

I pushed Pan up against a tree, holding a knife to his throat.

"You tell me where my son is right now, and nobody gets hurt." I pressed the knife a little bit harder into his skin.

"Emma, calm down. You are forgetting yourself." My mom said.

I turned my head to look at them.

"Don't listen to her." said Regina.

She was right. I turned my head back around and he was gone.

"Nice, you let him get away." Regina rolled her eyes.

"As we can see, this isn't going to be easy. It seems as if he is always one step ahead of us." Said Neil.

"Well lets get walking, the more we walk, the faster we will find Henry."

I started walking by myself, they followed.

*Jackie's POV*

I was laying down in my bed, facing the wall.

I was just so done with everything right now, every little thing annoyed me.

I heard the tent door open.

"Can I talk to you?"

"What do you want, Peter?" I asked, still facing the wall

He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I realized that I have been a really big asshole recently.... And I wanted to apologize. I have been acting really weird, I'm just concerned about you. Those people out there can hurt you, and I don't even know what I would do if they harmed you. I can't lose you again, it was too painful..."

I sat up and leaned against him.

"It's alright, honey, I know you are just trying to keep me safe."

I kissed his cheek and laid back down. He did too, but he propped himself up with one elbow. He leaned down and our lips combined. They were moving in synch perfectly.

We kissed for a very long time and the rest of that night is just a big blur for me.

*Emma's POV*

It seemed like we have been walking forever, and still no sight of Henry.

We haven't gotten a good nights sleep in awhile, so we are all physically and mentally exhausted.

"We need to find somewhere to sleep. I don't know how much longer I can go." My mother looked terrible.

"I know somewhere we can go." Hooked stated.

He led us to this little hut. it looked like someone has been there recently.

"Um Hook," Neil stepped forward, "Is there anyone here right now?""

"Possibly..." he stated.

Just then, a girl with a green outfit and blonde hair comes down.

"Hook?" Her eyes got wide.

"Tinkerbell?" Regina said, seeming to know her.

"Yes, I go by Tink." she stood up straight.

*Jackie's POV*

It has been a week, and still no sight of that adult group.

I learned that they are the family of that new boy. They are going to be pretty sad when they see that he wants to stay.

I was cooking breakfast and I cut open a special fruit found only on Neverland. It's smell was soo strong that it made my stomach turn weirdly. I felt like I was going to throw up.

I ran outside and went behind the tent. I threw up a little and was coughing the rest up as much as a could.

"Are you ok?" I heard a younger voice behind me.

I turned, it was that new boy.

"Yes, I'm fine, I think..."

I stated, holding my stomach.

"I don't think we know each other, my name is Henry."

"Mine is Jackie."

"I don't want to sound rude, but shouldn't you be in bed? You look sick." He said that a little weirdly.

"I should, you have a point. Well, nice meeting you." I walked back into my tent, hunched over a little. My stomach felt so weird!

I went to the bathroom and rinsed my face with water. 'I'm fine.' I told myself.

I put on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I think I need some fresh air, that is all...

I walked out of my tent and started to take my own little adventure.

After twenty minutes, I had to stop and sit down. I felt a little bit of pain. I sat there hunched over, ugh why are these cramps so killer today?

I tried to apply some pressure to my stomach, but that made it worse.

I saw that pixie cut girl, Snow I think, walking and collecting berries. She was all alone and I felt safe, she doesn't look like the type to hurt anyone.

She saw me on the floor and crouched down next to me.

"Oh, are you ok?" she sat me up against the tree behind me. Why is she being so nice? She doesn't even know who I am.

"What's the problem? she asked.

"My... stomach..." I said.

She looked at me for a while.

Her eyes got concerned.

"I think you might be pregnant." She said, not completely sure.

"What? What are you-"

I had to think about this....

"Oh my god" I whispered...

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now