Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

*Jackie's POV*

"Wait, you're dying?" I looked him in the eye, just to make sure he isn't joking around.

"Yes, so that's why I need Henry here, he can save me, and the island." He cupped my face.

I started crying, with so many different emotions. Why didn't he tell me this when I first got here? What if Henry can't save him? What would I do?

He pulled me into his arms and rocked me a little. He kept kissing my head and whispering in my ear, "Everything will be all right... shhhh... its ok."

"I - I just don't know what I would do without you." I finally say, while trying to stop crying.

"I know, I feel the same, you are my everything and I will do anything for you." He gave me a small smile.

"Just pinky promise me that everything will be ok, and no one will get hurt." I stuck out my pinky.

He was hesitant at first, but then he looped his around mine.

"I promise, I never fail." There was a look in his eyes, a look that made me uncomfortable. This made me not believe him.

Three days after he told me that heart-breaking news, I woke up and walked outside. I spent a good hour trying to find Peter. I thought maybe he was off, having some alone time to think. But usually, it doesn't take him that long. I saw Felix, dipping his arrows into dreamshade. He looked as if he was ready to go fight somewhere.

"Felix, what is going on?"

"We are preparing to fight."

"Who?" I asked.

"Henry's family, they are very powerful."

"Why do we need to fight them?"

"Because they will be pissed at what he is going to do with Henry..."

"Wait what? Peter said that no one would get hurt. What is he going to-"

A lost boy interuppted us.

"The shadow said that its time." The boy walked away.

Felix stood up and grabbed his gear. He pulled me aside.

"I need you to grab something in your tent. Pan said that it should be on the desk, in the drawer. You will find it there." I turned to go grab it. He followed me in there. I opened the drawer and saw a box. I opened it up and saw a heart.

"Is-is this Peter's?"

"Yes it is, and I will take that." He took the box from me by wearing gloves.

"Why are you wearing-" I looked at my hands. They were covered in some kind of magic ink. The magic glow spread over my whole body. I couldn't move or talk, just breathe.

Felix stepped in front of me.

"I'm sorry Jackie, Peter didnt want you to see what will happen. He ordered me to keep you here, and told me to trick you into grabbing the box. We will come get you after, but it will be awhile. Just stay here."

I rolled my eyes, he grinned and left. Oh, I am sooo mad at Peter right now.
There has to be a way for me to get out of this, I mean, I got out of Regina's, right? I needed to hurry before something bad could happen.

I reached deep down inside of myself and believed I could do anything. I then tried to move, slowly, I was able to move my fingers. then hands, then arms and so on. Once I was completely able to move, I started looking around for places that they could be, any clues. I couldn't find anything, but then it hit me like a wave... the skull cave.

She was Lost, but He Found Her (Peter Pan OUAT) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now