Chapter 1

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Cathy jerked up, flinging her cat clear off the bed. She shuddered as she shakily rubbed her goosebumps away and swung her feet to the cool floor.

Gasper rubbed up against her legs, giving her little nips.

Cathy absent mindedly scratched his broad head murmuring an apology while she slid her feet into her slippers.

Normally, the dream fox would've been eating her intestines, tearing into her body while she watched. Or would've been casually conversing with her while insects invaded her ears, mouth, and other holes as she would scream for the gods to save her. Yet, no matter the circumstances, those damned words, 'remember me', were always the same and the smiling black fox was always, always there.

Cathy shuddered and shook the last remnants of the dream behind her. The stress of the coming day was killing her, that's all.

She stumbled into the kitchen yawning, Gasper weaving between her legs like a greedy tripwire.

"Hey, pumpkin, excited?"

Cathy's dad peered up at her over his portscreen his chair squeaking as he crossed his legs under the kitchen table and leaned back. Gasper jumped into his lap.

"Uh, yeah, " Cathy said turning to rummage around in the pantry, skin crawling, feeling his gaze on her back. "I'm gonna miss him, though."

"Miss who?"

Cathy smiled with relief as she half turned and quipped, "Mom! You're up early."

Her mom smiled and said with a sparkle in her eyes, "I wouldn't miss a Rite for the world." She walked over to dad, gave him a quick peck, and then opened the cupboards to grab a mug. "So, who are we missing?"

"Eli Charter," her dad piped in while scrolling through the portscreen hol'gram, scanning the local news. Cathy's mom gave her a sidelong look as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"You know," she began, choosing her words carefully, "if you opted to go with Eli through the Journey last year, he probably wouldn't be leaving without you."

Cathy gritted teeth. "I know," she said as she grabbed a bagel from the pantry.

"You should think about doing it this year," her mom pressed taking a sip of the bitter brew.

Cathy closed the pantry door and turned around pursing her lips. "Uh, yeah, maybe, " she said fidgeting without meeting their eyes.

"Babe, look at this. Five more reported dead," her dad said motioning her mom closer to the portscreen. Cathy took advantage of their distraction and slipped quietly away to her room.

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