Chapter One

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I don't see the point why we have to move to a whole new state. My family and I were just fine back in Springville. My best friends are in Springville! Now I have to move miles and miles away from them. It was the hardest thing in the world to tell them goodbye. I basically grew up with them. Now I have to start all over and make some new friends.

My older sister, Stephanie, loved Springville. She too made so many friends there. But she had to break up with her boyfriend, Jamie, because of her moving away and she doesn't do long distance relationships. It was a tragic goodbye for both of them. They loved each other.

So of course the break up was hard on Stephanie. She took the break up so hard that she didn't dare say a word to us as we were driving to a new state. I don't blame her though. I don't feel like talking either. I'm as well upset.

Since my parents noticed that Stephanie and I were playing the-not-talking game, they tried to break the silence.

"Conner. Stephanie. I promise, you two are going to love River Mountain," my dad said while looking at us through the rear view mirror. But we doubt that we're going to love it.

"Stephanie, River Mountain is a town full of theaters and Italian restaurants that you love. And Conner, River Mountain has so many ball games you can go to," my mom tried to persuade us. But Stephanie and I weren't buying it.

But Stephanie finally spoke "It doesn't matter what they have there, mom. Springville is where my friends are and where Jamie is. But I have to leave them all behind because I'm moving to a stupid state."

After she said that, she slumped in her seat and crossed her arms. Poor Stephanie.

"We apologized for the billionth time that we're sorry you have to say goodbye to important people in your life, Steph. But let's look on the bright side. In River Mountain, we have a way bigger house than the one back in Springville. Also, your mother and I met our new neighbors. A nice girl your age lives across the street. I'm positive you two would get along right away," my dad informed Stephanie.

"Like I just said. It doesn't matter what's in River Mountain. Springville would always be better," Stephanie said back. With a gloomy look on her face she turned to stare out the car window.

Dad and mom gave up on trying to persuade Stephanie so they tried me.

"Conner, honey, what about you? How do you feel about the move?" my mom asked me.

Is that even a question? I'm more upset than Stephanie is!

"I hate it. It's so stupid," I replied almost to myself. I'm doing the same action Stephanie is. Slumped in my seat, staring out the car window, and crossing my arms.

"Conner, come on. Not you too," my dad said in disappointment.

"Well how can you expect me to be okay with the move? I had everything I ever wanted back in Springville," I shot back at them, raising my voice just a tad bit.

"Amen to that," Stephanie agreed at my comment.

"Stephanie, don't encourage your brother. You're fifteen, four years older than Conner. Please show some maturity," my mom glared at Stephanie.

But I believe Steph has every right to say her opinion.

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