Chapter Five

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I went down the stairs and saw dad and a guy bring in our couch we're going to use for the living room. They both sat the couch down in front of the fireplace. "That's perfect," dad told the guy. Then dad turned to me and smiled. "Well good morning there, kiddo. You woke up early. Did you sleep well," dad cheerfully asked me but I could see sweat on his forehead from carrying that couch.

To answer his question, I just shrugged. "Mom is bringing you and Stephanie breakfast once she gets home from the store," dad said as he and the guy went back outside. I followed them outdoors. The blazing sun shined down on me as I walked down the porch steps. There was a white truck parked in our driveway that says "Moving Truck." I saw dad and that guy, who must've drove the truck, carry out a chair that matched our couch. So that truck must have all of our furniture in it.

"Can I help," I asked dad who was walking up the porch steps with the guy as they carried the chair. "Of course you can. Just don't take out heavy items," dad hollered to me. I approached the truck and found a box that's labeled "Conner's Valuable Things" with a black sharpie. Deciding to take my box of things, I lifted it to my chest with both hands and carried it all the way inside the house. As I entered my house, I immediately set it down on the floor and stretched. That was a heavy box. Dad ruffled my hair as he passed me.

As dad went back out with the help of the guy, I decided to open my box to see what I packed. I sat down on the wooden floor and opened up my box. Inside were baseball cards, my old baseball that was signed by famous baseball players, a baseball glove, baseball caps, baseball player bobble heads, a baseball jersey, and everything else about baseball. As I looked through my box, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up and saw Stephanie who still looks half asleep. "Morning," I told her as she looked at me.

"What'cha doin'? And where's mom and dad," Stephanie asked me as she looked around. "Mom's at the store. Dad's outside putting furniture in here. And I'm just looking through my box I carried from the moving truck," I replied to her. Her eyes moved to the front door. "Oh so the moving truck came," Stephanie said almost to herself. Dad and the truck driver guy carried inside the coffee table and sat it down in front of the couch. Dad noticed Stephanie and he smiled at her. "Good morning, princess. I need to tell you something. Remember what I told you yesterday about a girl that's the exact age of you that lives across the street? Well I just saw her outside in her front yard. You should go over there and introduce yourself after you get dressed," dad told Stephanie.

Stephanie sighed and replied softly, "Fine." I'm no mind reader but I know what Stephanie is thinking. She's afraid to make new friends here because she doesn't want to forget about her old friends back in Springville. Or won't let her old friends be replaced by new ones. I completely understand cause no friend will ever top Luke. Luke is the bestest friend you can ever find in someone! He was always by my side since pre-k. Practically, my first friend I ever made. We were more like brothers, though, because we would hangout together everyday. He was my dream brother I always wanted. And now I want my dream brother back.

"You're going to be okay, Steph. You'll make your first friend here already. Your box of clothes are on the dining room table along with your hair brush, tooth brush, and toothpaste," dad informed Stephanie, then he and the guy went back out again. While Stephanie made her way to the dining room, I decided to put my box of my valuable things in my room. With that thought, I carried the box to my bedroom.

*( Later that morning)*

Stephanie was finally ready. She threw on light blue shorts and a pink t-shirt because it's still August and it's hot as ever here. She brushed her hair and threw it up in a ponytail. She brushed her teeth, slipped on pink flats, and headed out the front door. As she got ready, I decided to get ready too so I can meet our new neighbor. Dad didn't mention any boys my age around here. Hopefully there is.

I threw a cap on my head to cover my messy brown hair and went out the door with Stephanie. We found a girl, who did look like Stephanie's age, sitting on her porch with a drink in her hand. "Here goes nothing," Stephanie quietly told me, and together, we both walked over to her house. When we were almost to the girl's house, she looked at both of us and smiled.

I was so nervous to meet her, I wanted to take Stephanie's hand. But that would've been babyish of me.

Stephanie said hi to her and then I shyly said hi. The girl sat up and walked over to us with the drink still in her hand. "You two must be new because I see a moving truck in your driveway. I'm Alyssa," Alyssa said with a wide smile on her face as she held out her free hand so we can shake it. I can tell Alyssa is not a shy girl. There's so much confidence and friendliness in her voice that is nearly impossible to be uncomfortable around her.

And up close, she's really pretty. She has dark, wavy, brown hair that goes past her shoulders and bright blue eyes. "Nice to meet you, Alyssa. I'm Stephanie and this is my little brother, Conner," Stephanie said with a smile as we both shook her hand. She smiled at me and turned to Stephanie. "I know what it's like to have a little sibling. I have a little sister named Gwen whose apparently still sleeping," Alyssa said with a laugh. Stephanie laughed back.

I can tell they're going to get along. But I still feel lonely here. Is there another eleven year old boy around here? Feeling a little sad....

I'm desperate to take Stephanie's hand.

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