Chapter Ten

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The next day, mom and dad both went to the store that sells furniture, paint, carpet, and many other things mom and dad can buy for our new house. Our house is really coming along. Mom even said she'll buy us a trampoline in our backyard! Meanwhile, Stephanie and I decided to visit Alyssa and Gwen again.

"Guys, we should all totally go to the lake!" Alyssa excitedly announced to us as she was climbing her tree in her backyard. She has invited us to hangout in her big backyard. Gwen and I had joined her by climbing her tree. Stephanie's not a tree climber so she had trouble getting on the tree, which was kind of funny.

"No! I won't go to any lake! Remember what happened last time, Alyssa?! I almost drowned by swimming in there," Gwen replied to Alyssa with a horrid look on her face. "Then don't come," Alyssa simply said back to her. Gwen crossed her arms and said, "Well, I want to hangout with Stephanie and Conner." Alyssa rolled her eyes and announced to us, "Everyone raise their hand if you want to check out the lake." After she announced that, she raised her hand up.

Stephanie shyly raised her own hand up. "I think it would be cool to go to the lake," Stephanie softly said. "Conner, you want to come along," Alyssa asked me. This choice was hard. I really want to see River Mountain's gorgeous lakes, but on the other hand, Gwen doesn't really want to go and I don't want to make her feel upset. "Um...," I murmured, still thinking about my decision. When I glanced at Gwen, she gave me a sweet smile, signaling that she won't be upset with me no matter what decision I choose. I gave her a small smile back then replied to Alyssa, "The lake sounds fun, so sure."

"See Gwen? We all want to go. Plus, it's not like we're going to swim in there. We're just going to check it out," Alyssa told Gwen. Gwen sighed. "Alright fine. I'll come with you guys, if only we're not swimming," Gwen gave in. I'm happy Gwen's coming along but I feel like we were making her come. "Yay! Don't worry, Gwen. We won't stay long," Stephanie sweetly told Gwen. "Yeah, we won't. Stephanie and Conner need a little tour around here," Alyssa said to Gwen, then jumped off the tree and landed on her feet.

"We need to ask our parents, though, when they get home," Stephanie said. "I hope they say yes," Alyssa anxiously said. Suddenly, Alyssa and Gwen's back screen door slid open and stood a woman who I believe is Gwen and Alyssa's mom. The woman also had brown hair but it was pulled up into a bun and she has bright blue eyes like Alyssa. The woman smiled at us and said, "Hello! How are you guys?" Stephanie and I smiled back and politely said, "Good."

"I'm Amy, Alyssa and Gwen's mom. You two must be the new neighbors," Amy said to Stephanie and I. "Mom, this is Stephanie and Conner, our new friends," Alyssa introduced us. "Nice to meet you two," Amy happily said to me and Stephanie. "I was wondering if we can all go to the lake," Alyssa told her mom. Alyssa's mom thought about it for a moment. "Sure but don't stay there for too long. You know the rules," her mom replied. Alyssa jumped in excitement and said, "Yes! Thanks mom! I know the rules!"
"And watch out for your sister! Remember what happened last time," Alyssa's mom strictly told her. "We're not going to swim. We're just going to check it out," Alyssa replied.

"Oh okay then. Be careful! And it was nice to see you, Stephanie and Conner," Amy replied.

(Later that Day)

When our parents got home, Stephanie and I asked them if we can go to the lake. We convinced them by saying it's not far away, Alyssa and Gwen are coming with, and we're not going to swim in it. After we asked them, we went back out to meet with Gwen and Alyssa and started walking to the lake. "The lake is literally behind our neighborhood. We can get there by foot," Alyssa exclaimed. While we were walking, I got a chance to look around our new neighborhood.

It's sunny out today, which is brightening up our colorful neighborhood. We walked past a brick house with an old lady watering her flowers in her front yard. "Hi, Mrs. Miller," Gwen cheerfully hollered at the old woman. Mrs. Miller turned around, smiled at her, and hollered, "Hi there, sweetie!" After we past Mrs. Miller's house, Gwen turned to me and Stephanie and said, "That's Mrs.Miller. She's a nice lady. She always offers us cookies, which are the best." Mrs. Miller seems like a sweet lady.

Before I knew it, we were already at the lake. I have to admit: Seeing River Mountain's lakes up close are one of the most beautiful sights you'll ever see. The water was clear blue and the sun shining down on it made the lake sparkle. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It's impossible to not look away! If anybody were here, living in this moment, they would understand. The waves of the lake moved slowly and peacefully.

"This is beautiful!" said Stephanie in awe. "I know right? We got to come here often," I agreed. "We can always come here. This could be our spot to hangout," suggested Alyssa as she sat down on the grass near the lake. "This has to be our spot," Stephanie agreed as she joined Alyssa by sitting down next to her. I turned to Gwen and smiled at her. "What do you say? You want this to be our spot," I asked Gwen. Gwen smiled back at me, nodded, and replied softly, "Our spot."

Together, Gwen and I joined Stephanie and Alyssa by sitting down near to them, admiring how gorgeous the lake is. "You know what I just realized? I think this is the same lake that I see out my window," Stephanie said amazed. "You can see this lake out your window?! Wow, you're lucky," Alyssa replied also amazed. "Conner, what view do you see out your window," Gwen curiously asked me. I thought about how the neighbor's window was too close to my own window, blocking out the rest of the view. "Let's just say Stephanie is the lucky one and not me," I simply replied to her.

"Hey, it was still fair and square. I called the room first," Stephanie defended herself. Alyssa laughed. "It's ok, Conner. At least you don't share a room with your sister. I have to share a room with Alyssa and she keeps me up all night by her talking and moving in her sleep," Gwen told me. Stephanie and I laughed at her comment. "Whatever. Sorry, I can't help that," Alyssa said. The sun seemed to shine brighter, lighting up everything around us. It felt comfortable.

"I can't believe Conner and I start school in a couple of days," Stephanie said with a worried look on her face. "What school are you guys going to," Alyssa curiously asked. "I'm going to Lincoln High to be a Sophomore and Conner is going to Bridgeway to be a sixth grader," replied Stephanie.

Alyssa's eyes widened and she gasped. It startled me until Gwen did the same thing. "That's where we go!" Alyssa and Gwen excitedly shouted. "I'm going to be a Sophomore too at Lincoln High! Gwen's going to be a fifth grader at Bridgeway! Oh my God! I can't believe this," Alyssa shouted in shock.

Stephanie and I looked at each other, also in shock. Well... things just got a whole lot better.

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