Chapter 1 || I Finally Found You

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**Drago on top as Mario Blanco and will have some abusive parts in this chapter. You have been warned...


I felt as the Alpha slapped me across the face. I felt tears beginning to swell up in my eyes--but I kept them inside so I wouldn't show weakness in front of the Alpha.

"You stupid, pup! Look what you did!" The alpha says, pointing to the broken cup on the floor.

"I-I'm sorry a-alpha...I-it was an ac-accident." I said, with my head down.

"Your so useless I swear!"

"I-I'll just g-go--." I said, getting ready to leave the alpha's office when I suddenly felt I was pulled back.

"Your not going anywhere, pup not until you get your punishment..." He says, with his sinister smirk.

I was suddenly pushed onto his desk, with him pushing everything off and landing on the floor. I started to panic! I tried getting outta his position--but I didn't even budge the guy.

"It's useless on trying to escape me. I'm stronger and more powerful than you--heh I'm the Alpha of this pack, so what I say goes you understand?"


"Yes what?" He asks, by grabbing a handful of my hair.


"Good." The alpha said with that same smirk.

I felt my clothes being torn off my body feeling the cold on my naked body now. I wanted to scream---I wanted to get away from this man far way as possible, but I knew if I tried it'll be in more trouble than I am.

Suddenly I felt two fingers inter my bottom making me scrunch up in pain. He started at slow then picked up his paste thrusting it in more than before.

"S-stop please...I-it hurts." I said, trying to move away his fingers in my bottom.

"Shut up! I said this was your punishment so be quite." He said, taking out his fingers.

I felt him taking out his fingers from my butt. I figured he was done, and I could finally hw done with this punishment--but I was deadly wrong. I heard his zipper going down and before I could react he already thrusted his manhood in my ass having me scream.

"Ahhhh...S-stop...P-please alpha I-it hurts." I said while whimpering from the pain.

He suddenly grabbed a fistful of my hair bringing me close to him.

"I'm the boss--remember that, mutt!" He said, bitting Ian's earlobe and thrusting more faster than before.


It felt like hours before the alpha was done raping me on his desk. I had dried tears mixed with the new tears running down my face.

I felt dirty...

I stayed where I was still on his desk curled up into a ball, trying to hide the bruises he gave me while doing it.

My thoughts where inturupted with the alpha and his beta walking into the room.

"Well I see you did him good, Mike." The beta said to his friend.

"Yeah I did. You should've seen his face when I kept ramming into him hard." Mike says, smiling while looking at Ian and his friend.

"Well, maybe I'll get my turn later--but today the Dragon king is coming to have that meeting with you today." His friend told him.

"Yes, thank you. It'll be down shortly you can go now, Ethan."

"Yes." He says, leaving the room.

"Now--you need a shower."

Ian's POV

After, Mike let me take a shower and put on more nice clothes we headed to the dinning room where will be meeting the dragon king.

Before we entered the dinning room the alpha grabbed my arm pulling me towards him.

"Listen good, mutt because I'm not repeating myself again--once we get in here your not allowed to wonder around, your gonna stand right beside me until I tell you to move...Do I make myself clear?" He asks me, but I only nodded understanding what he said.

"Good, now let's go."

We entered the dinning room seeing that the dragon kind was already in here waiting patiently.

"Ah, it's good to finally meet you, Alpha of this pack." He said with an accent.

"Yes, same as well. I'm guessing your tired for your long journey here, please let my assistant here get you something to drink." The alpha says, motioning me to the kitchen.

"That boy there... he seems interesting."

"Oh, Ian he's nothing more than the packs assistant--well more like for sex. He's actually good in bed with him pleading for me to stop seeing him squirm under my body when I thrust into that ass of his." Mike said with a smile plastered on his face.

Drago's POV

I could feel my blood boil from this mans words towards my mate and to learn that he's the packs sex slave! How dare he! My dragon was itching to come out and rip this guy from limb to limb.

I first noticed it once they came intro the room and my mate smelled like sex. I was furious-- I was suppose to be my mates first not this sorry excuse for an alpha.

I saw the alpha have a concern expression seeing as though I'm not really paying attention to what he said. Forget about signing the papers I'm getting my mate outta his hell hole.

"Sorry to interrupt your thoughts, but are we gonna sign this paper, or  not?"

"No." Was all I said before getting outta my seat.

"Wait, excuse me?!"

"You dare question the Dragon King! I have you know that, that boy is my mate and to learn that your horrible pack basically raped him... your lucky I'm not killing every single man that raped him in this sorry excuse of a pack right now." I yelled. I could tell my dragon came out seeing as though my voice changed a bit.

"I'm taking him with me and I would like to see you try and stop me." Drago says, walking to the kitchen where Ian was.

"Mike, are you just gonna let him talk to you like that! Do something!" But the alpha didn't do anything just stood there.

Few seconds later, Drago came back with Ian on top of his shoulder heading to the door.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Alpha. Oh, and have a nice day."

A/N: Hi!!! I'm doing a new book and I'm rally hopping you guys enjoyed this first chapter of it.

Did you guys think this was a bad chapter, or a good one and you want to see more? If so, make sure you leave a vote, comment and add to reading list.

Until next time...Bye 😘

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