Chapter 2 || Your Safe Now, Little One

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^^Ian on top isn't he cute doing this pose as Jack Harries^^

Ian's POV

Everything happened so quick. I was in the kitchen preparing a drink for the king and the next thing I know I feel someone's breath on my neck.

I turned around only to be met with those eyes that holds lots of power.

I couldn't help but squirm under this man's stare. "W-what is it that you want from me?" I ask, as he held me on the wall.

"Your the one." Was all he said with his accent.

"I-I don't know what you m-mean?"

"Now that I've found you, I'm never letting you go. Your gonna be the mother to our hatchlings."


"Come my mate, it's time we leave and have fun."

I didn't like this where it was going--but I knew I couldn't get out even if I tried.

Suddenly I was picked up and hosted on his shoulder with his hand on my waist so I wouldn't fall off.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Alpha. Oh and have a nice day." Drago says, exiting the dinning room.

I couldn't help but feel happy know that I'm leaving this pack for good. All those years of abuse and mistreating I'm now gonna be... Free.

I was distracted with my thoughts that I didn't notice, Drago had stopped walking.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I ask, confused on to why he stopped so suddenly.

"What I'm about to do might scare you to the point you might faint, but I'm sure my dragon would love to see you and also because he wants to fly rather than ride in the car back home."

"Uh--I'll try and not faint besides how bad can it be?"

Drago puts me down in the ground safely before walking away a few feet. He then starts to take off his clothes including his underwear. After a minute or so he was finally naked seeing as though he doesn't care if he is.

I could feel my face getting hot from what I'm seeing. I quickly turned away hearing, Drago chuckle behind me.

"Haha--I see I have a shy mate. It's okay you'll see it soon anyways." He says, still laughing.

"That's n-nothing to laugh about." I said, getting more embarrassed than before.

"Okay I'm sorry." Drago said. "Now let us go before it gets to dark."

Drago put me on his back telling me to hold on tight and before I knew it, he had changed into a large black dragon.

For a dragon he sure is soft. It's kinda weird a little but I kinda like it. I got into a more comfortable position as I was now kinda riding him like a horse.

"You okay up there?" Drago asks, but more in a deep voice than it was before.

"Yes, I'm okay. This is very unusual to ask but did you know that your very soft for a dragon?"

"Why yes I did know that thanks for noticing."

"Your very welcome." Ian said with a smile.

"Alright let's go home."


Before I even noticed it, we we're already at home. One second we was just at my old pack house and now where in front of this huge mansion.

I also noticed there was smaller dragons around the house. Some were training and others more like younger kids was playing.

I just stood there in awe, at the little dragons playing that I didn't notice something going around my waist. At first I started to panic, but calmed down when I saw that it was only Drago's tail wrapping around me.

He gently put me on the ground where I wouldn't hurt myself getting off of him.

"Thanks, Drago." He replied giving me a nod and started to walk with me following behind.

"Welcome back, Lord Drago. I have your room all ready for your liking and I just got informed that the food will be ready soon." A maid says reading from her clipboard.

"Thank you, Stacy. Your dismissed for the day."

"Yes, thank you." Stacy the girl I just met says bowing her head and then leaving.

Uh, did I forget to mention that Drago was still in his dragon form? I was very surprised he could fit inside---well maybe because the ceilings are tall for him.

"Um-- D-Drago..."

"Yes, my mate, What is it?" He asks me, turning around.

"I was just wondering why are you still in your dragon form since where in the house now?" I asked, twirling my fingers.

He laughs at first before answering my question; "It's because I don't want to walk around straight butty naked... well now that I think about it."

After he thought about it, the once now large dragon that was in front of me changed into the normal sized Drago I know. And yet again I'm having to cover my eyes from his mini junior.

"Haha---your so cute when you blush, Ian. It makes me want to come over there and just pick you up and take you to my room." Drago said, with a smirk on his face.

"Umm--please don't... I'm not ready!"

"Oh, believe me I know. But in time you'll be and then you'll be round with our hatchlings in your belly just ready to come into the world." He says, wrapping around Ian's waist bringing him close to his chest.

"D-Drago---did y-you forget th-that your naked?!"

"No, but that's not stopping me from giving my mate a hug. I don't care who looks at me and my glory."

"Hehe... your too funny Drago, but I love you for it."


Drago's POV

It was finally night time and me and Ian are curled up together on my bed just enjoying each other's warmth. Today was a good day with me finding my mate, and him meeting the pack which everyone is happy about. And then eating that delicious food my personal chefs made. All in all I can say today was good.

I looked down to see my beautiful mate, sleeping soundly close to my chest. I kissed his forehead before getting more comfortable on my large bed.

I decided to change back into my medium sized dragon to give Ian more heat than my human form. I carefully picked him up with my tail bringing him close to my side.

Once I heard that Ian was still sound of sleep I decided to close my eyes to let the night consume me.


Yes!!! Another chapter done . How did you guys like this update? If you liked it don't forget to comment down below and pleas leave a vote to tell me I'm doing a good job.

Once again until next time. Bye 😘

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