Chapter 5 || Family Get-Together Turned Horribly Bad

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*Continuing from last chapter.*

Ethan's POV


"D-Dregen... n-not there." Ethan says, panting.

"Babe, your so tight! I can hardly move with you squeezing me."

"The w-water gonna g-get dirty."

"It's okay, love. I'm about to come you ready."


After a few more thrusts, Dregen came inside Ethan making him moan in pleasure. They stayed inside the bathtub for a little bit before they got out and got dressed.

"Dregen! I can't believe you did that!" Ethan said, smacking his arm.

"I'm sorry babe, but I couldn't resist your sexy body." He said, smirking.

"S-shut up! You be-better not had hurt the baby."

"I'm pretty sure they enjoyed it! Isn't that right my little hatchlings." Dregen said, rubbing Ethan's belly and kissing it.

"Hehe.. let's go before mom questions us why we're late."

"Okay. Lead the way."

Ian's POV

We was heading to Drago's parents house for family time. I was so excited to see Ethan and Dregen that I was basically jumping outta my seat in the car.

"Calm down, my hyper mate. We're almost there." He said, chuckling.

"Sorry, it's just I'm happy to see them. They said that Ethan's my age which is awesome. Also that he's about to be in his third trimester, which now I think about it is kinda scary."

I felt a hand go over my mine in a soothing motion. I looked over to see, Drago with a smile on his face concentrating on the road.

"I'm pretty sure when our time comes you'll do great, Ian. Your gonna be a good mother to our children's, I'm sure of it." Drago said, bringing his hand to his lips and kissing it loving.

"Love you babe."

"I Love you too."


Before we even knew it, we was already at his parents house. Drago said that the drive is three hours from his place to here. He said we usually just fly rather than take the car because it's a long drive, but he made the exception for me.

"Oh, my sweet boy has finally arrived." Judy says, running up to her son and giving him a motherly hug.

"I-it's good to see you too, again."

"Mhm. Now come on, Ian and give mommy a hug would you."

"It's good to meet you again."

"Mom! Will you please un-hand my mate your smothering him to death."

"Oh, hush up child. Let's get inside and let you meet the rest of the family." Judy said, leading them into the huge mansion.

We followed mom into the house after she almost killed me with that hug earlier. Walking into the living room we saw the lovely dinning room with big chandler on top.

"Ah, my youngest son has return home with his dear beloved, Ian

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"Ah, my youngest son has return home with his dear beloved, Ian." The father said, happily.

"Welcome to the family, Ian. The names Dregen and this lovely hubby of mine is Ethan." He says, shaking his hand.

"It's so good to finally meet you, Ian. I heard wonderful things about you." Ethan says.

"Same with you. I'm just glad to have a friend that is actually my age and I can talk to."

"Hehe-- I totally agree."

"Alrighty then, let's not stand around talking while there's a load of delicious food on the table just waiting to get eaten." Their father said.

"Sigh... here we go." Judy says, shaking her head.

*After Dinner*

It's was later in the afternoon and the family finished eating the delicious food the chefs made. Ian learned that, Ethan is human but the aging process slows down since he's mated to a dragon in all.

"I can't believe we have so much in common! We're practically brothers from different mothers." Ethan says, ecstatically while hopping up and down.

"Okay, okay that's enough playing Ethan. You don't want to harm the babies."  His mate said scolding him.

"Your such a party pooper. Learn to live it up a little, Dregen."

"I will not! Not while my mate is pregnant."

"Ugh-- your such a mom!"

"Actually that would be you, love" Ethan rolls his eyes after Dregen said that.

"Well anyways, the food was good and I'm so excited y'all came to the dinner." Their mom said.

"Yes, I agree the food was delicious. Tell the chefs they did an excellent job and to give them a raise. Until then mother, father."

Drago and Ian was about to leave the house until they heard glass breaking. On cue the family turned around seeing as though the crash came in the living room.

"What on earth happened here!?" The dad asked.

"It seems something went flew into the window, but what-- exactly?" Judy said.

"This is weird. I don't like this." Ethan says, moving behind his mate. Dregen comforts his mate by rubbing his back in circles.

Few minutes passed and there was another shot through the window when there was a sudden thud hitting the floor hard. Everyone turned their heads towards the sound and gasped once they saw it.

"I-it can't be-- Ian! Ian's been shot!"


Wassup guys! Finally updated and hopefully you enjoyed this chapter. As always don't forget to leave a comment and vote and maybe add to reading list.

Until next week. Bye guys 😚

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