Chapter 12 Pt. 2 || We Meet Again

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~°~°~Drago's POV~°~°~

After our little session me, and Ian had not so long ago- we decided that it was a good time to get up and enjoy our day.

'Though if I'm being fair, my dragon said otherwise...'

"Maybe later bud." I told him, but didn't get an answer back.

Once we was done freshening up, we quickly carried our butts down the stairs. The whole family was there of course, you had Ethan and Dregen with their pups enjoying their breakfast, while Mom and Dad was smiling down on their son with his family- enjoying some cup of coffee I would assumed.

"Good morning!" I said with much enthusiasm.

Everyone turned their attention towards me and Ian.

"Good morning, son! How are you and Ian this fine morning?" Mother polity asked us.

"We are good, thank you."

"Hmmmm~ yeah your good... Y'all f*cked didn't you?" Dregen said with a smirk going across his face.

This made the whole room look at him with just embarrassment. Especially for his mate, who by the way smacked him up side the head afterwards, making their kids laugh.

"You don't ask that! I'm so sorry for his actions guys, please forgive him." Ethan says bowing his head down.

"Haha~ no, no it's fine Ethan honestly. Though I do appreciate you smacking him for me."

"Oh, your most certainly welcomed!"

"Alright, alright dear please sit down and eat."

~^~^~After Breakfast~^~^~

Ian's POV

It was nice having the parents sit down and eat breakfast with us. Usually they would be too busy, either out and about, or just somwhere else.

I could tell that made Drago and Dregen happy to seen them from quite sometime.

At the moment, I'm in the nursery helping Ethan with the baby's. Their all so cute, and sometimes I forget that these are Dregen's kids because all I see is their mom in them.

"No, don't pull your sisters hair Hayden!" Ethan says, scolding him.

Honestly, the moment was really cute. Yes, Hayden got scolded, but afterwards he went into Ethan's arms to start sobbing.

"Awww, you're okay baby. Just don't do that again, okay?"

Hayden nodded his head, but didn't bring his face out to do so. The whole scene was just cute, and adorable.

"Is that how it's gonna be when me and Drago eventually have our own?" I asked myself, while looking down at my stomach and rubbing it softly.

"Anyways, do you and Drago have any plans today? I hear the weather is supposed to be nice today." Ethan asks me, with his cute smile of his.

"Oh- uhhh..." I just scratched my head for no reason what's so ever.

"Haha~ I'll take that as a no then. Well in that case- oh my Lord, Hayden! Did you really do a poopy when mommy is talking? Oh, you're such a naughty boy I tell ya... Hey Ian can you watch the kids for a minute?"

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