The Fallout pt.1

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*Dean POV*

"Sam I'm so sick of your bitching lately! What is wrong with you man? You've gone soft on me." I yelled at Sam.

"Sorry I'm such an inconvenience Dean. But if you'd just left me the hell alone at Stanford then you wouldn't have to worry about me getting in the way of your skeevy one night stands with bar whores, and I could've protected Jess from that goddamn demon!" Sam screamed back. I recoiled at that last comment as if he'd slapped me. But suddenly, my anger flared even more than it had in the beginning.

"You know what? Fuck you Sam. All I've ever done is look out for your sorry geek ass. But you hate me that much for bringing you? Fine I'll just leave then! You can take care of yourself from now on you ungrateful little shit!" I spat back viciously, snatching up the keys to the impala in my fury.

"Good! Go then, you've done such a great job protecting me as it is I'm sure you being gone won't even make a difference." Sam threw his hands up, his nostrils flaring as I stomped towards the hotel door.

I stopped at the dresser and slapped thirty dollars onto it "So you don't starve yourself. You're welcome." I snapped as i stole a look at Sam. He stood there watching me, Blinking stupidly. The anger seemingly gone. I shrugged and headed straight towards the door, too angry to give it a second thought.

I had just closed the door when I heard a loud crash from inside the room. I assumed it was Sam breaking something out of frustration. It was when I'd unlocked my Impala that I heard a loud pained cry that could only belong to Sam.

I sped back to the room and yanked open the door against my better judgement, a heavy feeling weighing in the pit of my stomach as I scanned the room for Sam. That's when I saw him laying on the grungy motel carpet. His hands were clenched into tight fists and his arms curled up awkwardly towards his neck. His back was arched completely off the ground and it looked as though every muscle in his body was as taut as a steel cable. He let out a loud gasp, still blinking rapidly at the ceiling, seemingly unaware of my presence.

I shoved down the feeling of dread, anger once again sparking in me. Though not as much as before.

"You gotta be shitting me Sam. I didn't think you'd stoop so low as to fake a fit like this just to win an argument. That's seriously sick." I shook my head in disgust.

But Sam stayed locked in his rigid position. And that's when seeds of fear began to plant themselves in me.

"Sam? You can give it up now man." I tried softly. No response.

Then, Sam let out a horrific keening groan that was just too real. Then it hit me: Sam wasn't faking. Panic exploded through me as I dropped to his side just as his body unlocked itself in time for the shaking to start.

His tremors came slow at first but quickly intensified to full-on convulsions that shook his entire frame.his head tossed back to smack the carpet over and over, his neck muscles strained so much that the tendons looked ready to burst through the skin. His limbs twitched and jerked at unnatural angles, hitting everything in reach - including me. His eyes rolled back to show only the whites, but the rapid blinking didn't cease. But the worst part? Those god awful gurgling gasping sounds that escaped through clenched teeth and bloody foam streaming down his cheek. The fish-out-of-water gasping for air he couldn't pull in, mixed with violent strangled sounds of pain as the color faded from my brothers face.

"Oh my god! Sam?! Sammy! C'mon man come back to me I'm here." I pleaded frantically. To no avail. I whipped off my jacket to cushion Sam's head from hitting the ground more than he already had and tried to dredge up any information I could recall on seizures.

Never restrain them or put things in their mouths. Call an ambulance if its over five minutes.

John Winchester didn't exclude anything in his training. Except what to do when your baby brother is seizing violently and you can't do a damn thing.

Counting to four minutes and thirty seconds in my head, Sammy was still convulsing, his lips taking on a bluish tint. The gurgling sounds seemingly louder than before.

That's it I'm calling an ambulance. I thought.

After I made sure they'd been dispatched, I stroked Sam's sweat-slicked hair as he shook.

"Don't worry Sammy. You'll be okay. Help is coming for you."

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