Chapter 1

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It was the last night of Harry's first week back at the Dursley's and he was already craving to go back to Hogwarts. The pain he felt of being away from this friends was worse than the pain he had ever felt from his scar. He was lying awake of his bed and staring blankly at the ceiling. Every small movement he made was followed by a loud creaking noise. Suddenly there was a huge crash from downstairs that was closely followed by a scream. Harry quickly sat up, grabbed his glasses, ripped out of his room and headed down the stairs.

He was halfway down the stairs when he turned to see ashes everywhere, Aunt Petunia hugging Dudley tightly and hiding behind the couch while Uncle Vernon had grabbed a lamp and was holding it, ready to attack. In the middle of the chaos, right in front of the fireplace was a boy and Harry couldn't make out his features because of all the ashes, but once he opened his eyes and Harry saw the fierce, pale gray eyes of the boy, he knew exactly who it was. "Malfoy?" Harry asked and was frozen in place from shock.

"So this is you, boy?" Uncle Vernon shrieked. "One of y-your freaks?" Uncle Vernon now turned to the boy, stared daggers at him and walked slowly towards him. Harry realized he must have lost his mind to be walking towards a wizard with no fear. "You disrupted my time with my son! I don't know who you are or what you're playing at, but I won't have this! You are a freak and this is a town for normal people. What do you think my neighbors worth think if they-"

Draco now had a tight grip around the Muggle's neck and was squeezing tighter every moment. Harry saw the face of his Uncle turn a deep purple that he'd never seen in his Uncle's face before. "Malfoy, you're going to kill him!" Harry screamed and Draco let go to get up and shake like a dog. Ashes scattered even more and some fell on Aunt Petunia who was trying to swat it away as if they were flies. Harry rushed down the stairs and saw Draco slowly stepping towards his aunt, but stopped him by grabbing his fore arm. Draco wasn't this easily contained and with ease pushed him on the floor and climbed on top of him so his hands were pressing against the floor on either side of Harry's face. He looked like a maniac to the Dursleys, but Harry saw that he was on the verge of tears and wasn't a maniac, but a worried friend. The end of the recent school year they'd become friends and Harry promised to send owls as often as possible, but apparently to Draco that wasn't enough. "Draco, don't cry." Draco carefully placed his face into Harry's chest and began to sob. Harry put one of his hands on Draco's head and looked at his 'family' who, to no surprise, were staring at the boy like he was crazy.

After a few minutes of crying, Draco got up off of Harry and pulled Harry up. He then wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to Vernon with his eyes still watery, but his voice one with dignity and ice cold. "I'll be staying here for a while." Draco puffed out his chest and took a stance of authority that frightened Harry's uncle, but impressed Harry.

"Sure—er—for as long as you want." Uncle Vernon said in a voice he'd only ever head him use with Dudley.

"I'll meet you in bed, Harry, after I've finished taking a shower." Draco rushed off and from upstairs Harry heard the water turn on. No one said anything so Harry sprinted back to his room before anyone had the time to take in what happened. Harry wondered what Draco meant by meeting him in bed, but figured he wouldn't actually and continued to wonder why Draco wished to stay at the Dursley's. Harry suddenly realized that he hadn't had dinner and slowly walked back down the stairs and took a seat at the table where they had just began to eat. The only think served was some carrots and Harry was disappointed, but didn't expect anything more.

Harry grasped the first carrot, but dropped it the second he saw Draco walk into the room in nothing, but boxers. Draco took a seat with everyone staring at him and looked appalled at the food being served. "I won't eat this! Hey, Muggle lady, do me a favor and order some really good on the—er—telerphone. Preferably pizza because I've heard it's good." Draco looked around with confusion while Harry's Aunt made the call. He tapped Harry on the shoulder and pointed towards the tv. "Harry, what's that thing?" Dudley sniggered and Draco's face turned from being curious to hostile in a matter of seconds. He slammed his fist onto the table and sneered at Dudley. "Hey, I snigger at people, but people don't snigger at me!"

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