Chapter 5

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Draco lay on a chair in the common room, eyes closed so he could watch the images flying through his head. Some were spectacular triumphs and others were the small down falls he had along the way. Then before his mind could wander to the Gryffindor that'd been haunting his dreams, he opened his eyes to peer out of the window where snow fell soundlessly on the crisp Christmas morning. "Draco, Dumbledore wants to see you. He looks pretty serious so I'd send an owl to your father as soon as possible." Pansy had walked in and said. Draco pushed himself out of the chair to head to the office. On the walk down the long corridors, he listened to all the cheering and joyful squealing. This simple sounds made Draco sick to his stomach.

"Mr. Malfoy, please sit down." Dumbledore spoke as cheerful as the others and Draco swallowed back a lump in his throat. Draco opened his mouth to ask what his presence was needed for, but closed his mouth once again. "Well, its Christmas Day and I'm sure you got wonderful gifts, but I figured I'd give you a gift of my own." Dumbledore smiled gleefully and Draco quickly turned his head to stare at a random silver object on a table. He knew nothing could make him feel joy and nothing had in months. Even just witnessing happiness disgusted him beyond belief. "I will go and retrieve it for you. I've noticed you've been quite a loner lately and I'm sure this'll fix that." Dumbledore strode out and slowly closed the door behind him, leaving Draco alone with only his thoughts to keep him company.

Often moments like this scared Draco, but this time it was peaceful. Most of the boys his age would be thrilled to get called in like this, but not Draco. Nothing excited him, but the thought that he'd join Harry one day in heaven. As Draco was sitting back in the chair and trying to keep a cold, not caring character, Dumbledore came back in and placed a letter on the desk before siting down. He stared happily at Draco and Draco picked up the ripped envelope that read had an ink print sign on the grit like his Hogwarts one and read, St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

Draco looked up at Dumbledore and gave a confused look that didn't show a sign of gratitude. He looked back at the envelope in his hands and pulled a letter out slowly. He opened it and it said:

Dear Mrs. And Mr. Dursley,
We apologize that we have misinformed you on the death of Harry Potter. Our healer was fairly new to our hospital, but we are pleased to tell you that Harry Potter is alive, but ill. He is stable enough to return home. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Draco started to hysterically laugh, which caused Dumbledore to become concerned, but once Draco finished he strolled over to the door and began to tug on the locked knob. "Listen, old man, this isn't funny! You think this is witty? Merry Christmas to me, I'm reminded that Harry Potter is d-d-de-" Draco began to stutter as tears filled his eyes. His grip became weak and his brain seemed to still be in denial.

"Mister Malfoy, please sit down." Dumbledore said calmly, but this didn't comfort Draco who was attempting to pull harder on the door. Finally, he decided to use a spell, but remembered his wand was left in the common room. "This is not a joke. Please, sit down. He's currently in a building called Grimmauld Place and I will give you a portkey to arrive there."

"No!" Draco screeched, fighting the lump developing in his throat. "He's gone! He's never coming back!" Draco felt the tears running down his cheeks as he stared at his hands clutching the knob. Suddenly, he felt Dumbledore stuff an object in his hand and before he could shove it back to Dumbledore, he began to feel the room spin. When he let go, he felt himself hit the wooden floor of a very dingy looking building. He got up, rubbed his head and stared around. He appeared to be in a hallway and could hear moans of pain from upstairs.

He climbed the stairs cautiously and stepped into a room where the moans were coming from. On the bed, unconscious was Harry Potter moaning in his sleep and restlessly turning in pain.

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